-Chapter 1-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 1: "Dolores Umbridge"

I was in the great hall, messing around with Elsie and Jasper, when she pointed behind me and said:
"Here comes the pureblood prince, isn't he so Handsome ?"
Of course, I got her irony and kept going, pretending to faint.
"Oh my god, how is he so hot, and so tall ?"
"But he's so bad !", jasper added with an imitation of the girls fancying over Draco's "bad boy" reputation.
"But he does it so well !" I kept screaming,
"And his eyes, oh god Draco rail me !"
Suddenly, jasper and Elsie kept looking at me and then behind me with worried look, scared Dumbledore or Snape might have heard me, I turned around to see, in fact   Draco, standing a few feet away, looking at me with a weird look on his face.
I put up my best fake smile and look at him.
"Please, don't give yourself any idea, It was something called irony, which is something you probably don't know how to use."
"Yeah, right mudblood, keep it together."
I turned away rolling my eyes, maybe, just maybe if I had looked at him a while longer, I would have seen deception and even regret in his eyes.

-.It had been a week or so since school had started and It was already a nightmare, Dolores unbridge from the ministry of magic had totally taken over Hogwarts, she was inspecting every professor, questioning every single thing they did during class and interrupting at least 30 times an hour to give a piece of her advice.
After a wink of seeing her in her whole pink outfits with her stupid hats on her stupid smiling face. She had told miss Trelawney to leave Hogwarts but thankfully, Dumbledore has saved the day by allowing her to live at Hogwarts even if she couldn't teach anymore.
        I was in the defense against the dark arts class, with our dear miss Umbridge, when she started to accuse Harry of lying about Cedric's death.
"Voldemort killed him, I saw it."
"Stop lying to your classmates, Harry enough, come see me in my office tonight after your classes !"
She started screaming in her high pitched voice. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and screamed.
"HOW DARE YOU ?! How dare you lie about his death calling it an unfortunate incident !
Cedric was murdered ! And if you keep doing this bloody lying there will be a lot more and Cedric will have died in vain ! You should be ashamed of yourself you filthy bitch !"
"Excuse me ! Do you know who you're talking to? I could get you expelled ! Detention with mr Potter tonight !"
"I don't care !"
I leave the class in screams and whispers.
I go to the place I know I won't be disturbed, moaning myrtle's toilets .
I enter quietly so that she doesn't hear me and sit on a toilet, waiting for the pressure to come down, waiting for the burning tears to finally
stop, I sob for a few minutes and then just let the tears flow down my face.
A while later, I hear voices and steps.
"Finally you came back ? I missed you, you know."
"Yeah, i have a lot on my mind recently, is it okay if I talk to you today ?"
"Of course it's okay, I love having friends to talk with."
"Thank you"
"WhAt is it today?"
"I..I feel so lonely, Crabbe.. and Goyle, they don't get it, they think it's all some sort of game, but it's so much more than that, it's a life or death situation."
"I understand, I feel very lonely too, no one wants to talk to moaning myrtle ! But what do you mean it's a life or death situation ?"
"If I don't do what I have to.. he might kill me.. or worse my parents ! And my father, I want to make him proud so bad, but he just.. he doesn't seem to notice the good things I do, only when I mess up."
"Maybe you should stop trying to make him proud, if you're unhappy, maybe he'll never be okay with what you do."
"Maybe, but what do I do now if I don't do what my family does, even if I want to change, will people let me change ?"
"Only if you try and make it up to them."
"But I've been so mean to everyone for so long, Harry.. he will never let me change, he doesn't think I can, I'm sure of that."
"I don't think it's true, I think if you really show them who you are inside, they would see it too, like I do."
"No, I can't, I could never, what about my family, our heritage, what's then ? I marry a muggle born and get disowned, absolutely not, I'm their only child."
"Then you sacrifice your values and your happiness, will you be able to do that ? Follow Voldemort if your parents tell you to ? Kill someone?"
"I don't know... why do I have to get through all of this, can't I be a normal teenager?"
"No you can't, Draco."
Draco ? It's Draco taking, panicking I get out of my stall and leave the bathroom running in the hallways.
"Who is it ?! Come back !"
I keep running until eventually someone grabs my arm from behind.
"Olivia, you..."
"I won't say anything, I'm not like you"
"You better not or I'll swear I'll ..."
"You'll what ? I said I won't say anything, why would I anyway, you seem like you have a lot on your mind already."
"Alright well Um... thank you, hum, I guess."
"Yeah, you're welcome."
"But.. what were you doing in there anyway, were ... were your crying ?"
"I was, actually, want something to have in case I tell everyone what you said ?"
"What were you crying about... wait no I never said that, I just want to know."
"Starting to work on your being nicer and showing your true self now ?"
"Shut up, why were you crying?"
"Doesn't quite work like that, you have to be friends and nice to someone for them to eventually open up to you."
"Look, why are you making this difficult ? Let's say I'm your friend and right now I'm being nice to you so come on tell me."
"Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know.. maybe I thought we could help each other you know, listen to each other problems."
"Don't you have myrtle for that ?"
"She's ...she's okay.., and her name is Elizabeth but she's a ghost, not a real person, so why were you crying ?"
"Let's see, um, Cedric's death, the person who meant everything to me for the last 4 years, who replaced my whole family just by himself because they wouldn't support me, who took me shopping  for school every year, who rid the train with me, who introduced me to my best friend, I mean, I loved him, with my whole heart and now he's just gone.."
"I can't say I understand about Cedric's death because I never lost a loved one, but, about your family, I mean, I have a difficult family too."
"Oh yeah, what, they're too rich for you ?"
"No.. Um.. my father he can be.. unsupportive sometimes."
"Wait,are you.. gay ?"
"No ! Not like that, I mean like quidditch, class, Slytherin, I have to be the best at everything, I have to make myself superior to others, or else I'm just shit to him, I don't know, maybe I'm making up problems I don't have."
"No, I don't think you are, um my parents, they're muggle you know and ever since they learned I was.. a witch, well let's just say they're not really fond of this "practice"
"I get it.. maybe you'd like to.. I don't know, meet up somewhere, someday, to talk about... personal things ?"
"Um... sure..okay."
"Alright, I know a place, a secret place, meet me tomorrow after dinner, in the rear hall, I'll show you."
"Alright, see you tomorrow then."
As I left him alone in the hallway, staring at my back, I asked myself what I had just done and If it was a good decision, I didn't know it but Draco was wondering the exact same thing at the exact same time.

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