-Third year-

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I step down of the train to someone jumping in my arms, and brown hair flying all over my face.
"Elsie ! You're suffocating me !"
She finally let go of me.
"Sorry Olivia I just missed you so much this summer"
But we don't have time to speak because another pair of arms takes us both into a big hug.
"Now I get what you meant Olivia" Elsie whispers.
The stranger finally let us go and it's Jasper, we met Jasper last year while he was being bullied by Ravenclaw a year older than us, Elsie and I barked at them to make them leave and since then we've been friends with him, he's really funny and nice, so we've kind of became our own golden trio, the Hufflepuff one.
"Hi jasper, how was your summer?"
"It was brilliant ! I went to Romania with my parents and my sisters and we did so many things, ill tell you over dinner tonight!"
"Have you heard what happened on the train ?"
"No what ?"
"Apparently, there was a dementor on the train and he tried to kill Harry Potter and he fainted but the new professor saved him."
"Bloody hell, why does Harry Potter is always in the middle of everything."
"I didn't know there was a new professor this year..."
"He's here to replace that dumb Lockhart from last year, I can't remember his name tho."
"Oh, I hope he's better."
"He sounds better, he made a dementor go away, that's something."
~                                   ~                                        ~
During the year: defense against the dark arts class with professor lupin.

Alright everyone in line, we're gonna work with boggarts today, a boggart is a creature that takes the form of your biggest fear and it feeds itself with your fear, to defeat it, you just have to say "riddiculus" and think of something really funny.
Alright Neville you start and then Ron,
Neville's boggart takes the form of professor Snape and then it's Snape wearing Neville's grandmother's clothes, it's so funny.
Ron's takes the form of a giant spider and then the spider has some roller skates on each of its legs.
Soon it's my turn, I wait for my boggart to take form, as I watch it change, I see it turn into myself, I try to think of something funny and it finally turns into a sea lion, I laugh nervously and I see professor lupin watching me in the corner of my eyes.
The class ends when Harry makes a dementor appear, the professor casts a spell on it to put it back in the closet. As everyone is leaving, he asks me to stay to talk to him, I nod at Elsie and Jasper to wait for me outside.
When everyone is outside, he finally talks:
"It's funny, the boggart took your form,which means the thing you're most afraid of is yourself.."
"I mean, I haven't seen a lot of scary things in my life."
"Still, could you tell me why you're scared of yourself ?"
"Frankly, I don't know, maybe the fact that my whole family are muggles which means I have more power than them."
"I don't think that's it, but I mean If you don't know yourself, anyway, think about it and talk to me if you feel the need to."
"Of course professor."
I stand awkwardly in the middle of the room and then turn to face him again.
"Actually professor, I was wondering if you could give me private lessons to teach me to defend myself ?"
"And why do you feel the need to learn how to protect yourself?"
"I have a bad feeling, ever since Potter is at this school, some weird things have happened and I don't think it's gonna end soon, I think things just started actually."
"Well, I'm okay with giving you private lessons, if you feel the need to."
"Thank you professor, how much will it cost ?"
"Oh, nothing, it's okay it's on my spare time, I love teaching students."
"Alright, thank you professor."

During the whole year, professor lupin taught me how to defend myself, how to produce a corporeal patronus, mine was a thestral. How to use the spells "stupefy", "expelliarmus", "impedimento", "protego" and others useful spells, by the end of the year I could practice almost the same spells as a last year. Through this year, I had found in professor Lupin a father figure that I didn't have in my own family, he supported me and helped open myself to magic, without him I wouldn't be who I was now.

If only those spells had been useful the year that followed.

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