-chapter 17-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 17: "the golden snake."

I walk as quietly as possible out of Draco's room, I forgot we had classes in the morning and he decided not to go, I'm alone in the empty hallways of the Slytherins, suddenly Someone touch my shoulder, I turn around in a scream.
"Ahh, oh..sorry, I got scared.."
It's pansy and a friend of her, they're staring at me with weird looks.
"Hmm, is there something you want ? I'm really late.."
"Oh,yes, sorry, I just wanted us to start from scratch..you know since you're with Draco now and it seems...um..serious."
She looks me up and down, and i realize I'm wearing yesterday's clothes, my skirt all crumpled.
"Yes...um, really ? You seemed pretty upset about it last time."
"But I had time to think, and now I'm with Blaise so..I don't care about Draco anymore, what do you say ?"
"Great, I'm sure we'll be great friends."
"Right..um, I have to go."
"Of course! See you around."
"See you.."

I walk away, with some kind of weird feeling, Pansy wanting to be my friend, I don't think that's a really good idea.
I walk over to my dormitories, I find Elsie half asleep on her bed, with her dress still on.
I wake her up, she has hair all over her face.
"What time is it ? What...year is it ?"
"It's 9 and we're already late to our two first classes."
"Oh, where have you been ?"
"Hum...Draco's room.."
"Oh you nasty girl !"
"What ? I didn't say something happened.."
"Bloody hell, You've done it !"
"Done what ?"
"You've had s-"
"Shhhh ! Don't say it out loud ! How do you know !"
"Oh I see it on your face !"
"What ? Anyone can see ?"
"No, just your very best friend !"
"Do I seem different ? Grown up ?"
"No, right now you just seem tired and little bit dumb."
"I hate you."
"My little girl is now a woman.. how time flies by.."
"Come on get dressed !"

I take off my clothes and go take a shower, I let the hot water wash me up, and smile at myself, remembering stuffs from last night, his hands on me, his mouth.. it was beautiful, it was like we had merged into one person.
I go out of the shower and put on the uniform, still in my thoughts.
By the time I arrive to my first class, I'm still thinking about the night before.

I sit down next to Ron, he smiles at me as I drop on my chair, a silly smile on my face.
"Someone's had a good evening yesterday.."
"Were you at the party yesterday ?"
"Yes I did, since I was with Hermione, but it was pretty lame so we left and kind of had our first date.."
"Bloody hell ! Why didn't you say that before, I'm so happy, you really took your time huh !"
"You gotta wait for the good things..thank you, for telling me to ask her to the party, I'm glad I did."
"We'll I'm glad it all worked out, alright let's focus on class."
"Just one question ? Is it your night with Draco that's making you smile like that ?"
I look at him with wide eyes and hit him on the arm.
"Shut up, you Idiot !"
"Alright sorry !"
A few eyes turn to us and the professor looks at us with despair in his eyes, we laugh and look at each other before faking concentrating in our books.
The rest of the day passes by pretty quickly and I have a free period at 14pm, I go to the library.
I sit alone with a book in a corner.
I'm reading when Pansy appears in front of me, with her friend, and a weird smile on her face.
"Hey ?"
"Hey ! We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to have a butter beer tomorrow afternoon, me and a few other slytherin, of course you'll come with Draco."
"Humm, we'll see, I'll talk to him about it."
"Alright, hope you can make it, bye !"
After half an hour of studying, I walk out of the library, I'm walking in the hallways, day dreaming when I bump into someone,
"Oh sorry.."
I look up to see Oliver, Elsies brother and captain of the Gryffindor's team.
"Oh, Oliver, hi, how's the team doing ?"
"Pretty well, yeah, we've won our last two match."
"Well that's great, it was good to see you, it's been a long time."
"Oh, I forgot, the Hufflepuff team are actually missing a player, I know you play very well, I've seen you, don't you want to tryout ?"
"Is it..hum..Cedric's place that's empty ?"
He scratch the back of his head, uncomfortable.
"Yes, it is, but wouldn't that be great, I mean to take his place, I'm sure he would've wanted that, and maybe that would bring you comfort."
"Nothing can bring me confort Oliver, he's dead."
"I know, I'm sorry I just wanted to help."
"I know thank you, I'll think about it, it's true I'd rather take his place than let someone else like this filthy brad."
"Alright, think about it, but not too long, I'll go talk to the new Hufflepuff captain to tell him you're thinking about filling in."
"Thank you Oliver, for telling me."
"You're my sister's best friend, you're like family Olivia."
"You too, bye, love you."
"Love you too, bye."

I leave with a smile on my face, I join my last hour that I spend with Elsie.
"Hey girl."
"Heyy, I saw your brother in the hallway, coming here, he told me there was an empty place in the Hufflepuff team, you play there, why didn't you tell me ?"
"Oh, yeah, I don't know, I didn't think you'd want to play, you never played quidditch."
"Of course I have, just not in the school team, but remember your brother used to train us and play with us, in this quidditch pitch, by your holiday house."
"Yes but it's not the same, we were 4, maybe six on some days, and It was playful, and there wasn't a hundred people watching you and screaming at you, and it wasn't so high, and so important, it's just really not the same."
"I want to try out anyway, what's the worse that can happen, alright, at worse I'm not joining the team, at best I like it and get in."
"Alright, do as you want, you know I support you, always."
"Thank you Elsie."

A few hours later I was arriving at the tryouts for the Hufflepuff quidditch team.
With a stomachache and a need to puke.
Now that I was in front of it, I wasn't so sure I was ready for it.
But I wanted to do it, for Cedric.

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