-Chapter 9-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine"
Chapter 9: "Christmas holidays"

"Why did you kiss me Malfoy ?"
"I..I don't want to talk about it alright ?"
"But you can't leave with no answers after you just kissed me !"
"I wanted to check if my feelings for you were real or if it was just from the attention you gave me."
"So, I kissed you, to see if it would tell me if my feelings were real."
"So ?"
I don't know what I'll do if Draco likes me, I mean, I like him too, I think but with what Jasper told me... I'm scared, maybe I shouldn't get close to him, its true that he's dangerous.
"They were not real, I just liked the interest."
"Ohh..I see, well um..I have to go.."
I feel tears forming in my eyes, and I turn around to wipe them away, I can't let him see what his words have on me, but why did he say it like that, why did he kiss me to say that now...
"Olivia, you're not gonna tell me you like me, you'd be completely mad to even think about it...really, I'm doing you a favor."
"You're an asshole Malloy, and I don't want to see you, ever again !"
I push him away, and run before he tells me to stay, like he would anyway.
"Olivia wait.."

Draco's POV:

"Olivia wait ! I didn't mean it.."
But she's too far away to hear my whisper, why did I do that, if I had known she liked me, I would have told her Liked her too, but I'm so scared of getting rejected, I'd rather reject her and hurt her feelings, she doesn't need to be with someone like me, I'm no good news, I'm sure she knows it's best for her.
I walk back into the Slytherin common room, everything is empty, it's kind of refreshing actually, no annoying pansy, Crabbe, or Goyle around me, no noisy little first years to disturb you from reading or thinking.
I sit down by the fireplace and starts to read my book, Romeo and Juliet, and as I read the words, I have flashback of Olivia, sleeping on my lap, my hand in her hair, her little smile as she closed her eyes and fell asleep, so vulnerable, when she stands, she looks quite tall, but here, asleep, she seemed so small, and I felt so protective of her in that instant, I would have killed anyone who tried to wake her up, and I ended up being the one who woke her up, always.
I close the book, not being able to stop thinking about her. I have to tell her how I feel.
I run through Hogwarts, looking for her, in the great hall, kitchens, hallways, classrooms, Hufflepuff common room and finally the secret garden, I find her sitting on the bench, her head in her hands, I don't know if she's crying or not.
"Olivia ?"
She looks up, and then at me, she quickly wipes her tears away, her face and eyes red.
"Go away, I don't want to see you !"
"Please Olivia listen to me."
She shakes her head, and gets up.
"If you don't want to leave, then I'll go, i told you not to come close to me again."
She walks past me, I turn around and grab her arm, forcing her to look my way.
"I have to tell you something."
She doesn't answer but looks at me in the eyes.
"I produced a patronus a few weeks ago, and do you know what my happiest memory was ?"
She still doesn't answer.
"It wasn't my father, or my mother, of any of those dumb Slytherins, it was you Olivia... you are my happiest memory."
"Yeah but you don't like me, you just like the interest.."
"I said that because I was scared of you rejecting me, how could I think you liked me back."
"It's not that hard to believe."
"Believe me it is..well, Olivia, I like you."
"For real ?"
"Yes. For real."
"Then I like you back."
"Lucky me."

And then I lean down, tuck her hair behind her ears, and kiss her, softly, my hand on her back and the other in her hair, by her cheek.
When we pull away, she smiles at me, her eyes glowing.
"I liked that.."
"Want to do it again..?"
And we kiss again.

The next day:
Olivias POV :
"So what's your patronus ?"
"Dragon, that's cool."
"Maybe it's because of your name, you know, Draco."
"Maybe, what's your patronus ?"
"A thestral"
"What's a thestral ?"
"It's a creature only visible to those who have witnessed death."
"And you ?"
"Cedric, so yeah I can see them."
"I see, could you make a patronus so I can see one ?"
I get up, close my eyes and think of my happiest memory, and then I whisper "expecto patronum." A thestral made of light appears from my wand and gallops in the air, leaving a trail of light behind it.
"It's bloody amazing..."

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