-Chapter 11-

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"I'll be yours if you'll be mine."
Chapter 11: "the first day of snow."

"Draco, I told them about us.."
"Who ?"
"Jasper and Elsie ?"
"Oh really ? Umm, how did they take it ?"
"Not really well, I'm sorry, just give them time.."
"Sure, but I don't think they'll change their mind.."
"I'm sure they will !"
"If you say so."
"Bloody hell Draco look !"
"What ?"
I point my finger at the windows, a big smile on my face.
"It's all white ! It's the first day of snow !"

We're outside Hogwarts, playing with the snow, throwing snowballs at each other and laughing.
"We should make a snowman !"
"Yes, let's make it as professor Umbridge !"
"Yes, that's genius Draco !"
We start to make a snowman, that ends up looking quite like Umbridge in fact.
I throw a snowball at him, and he looks at me, with fierce eyes.
"Oh you wanna play that game huh ?"
"What if I do ?"
"Then you're going to pay for that !"
I start to run, he runs after me, he catches me and we both Fall in the plain white snow, laughing like crazy.
When we finally get up, trying to take the snow off our clothes. He helps me, by gently tapping on my clothes. He kisses me softly, his cold hands on my cheeks, I stuff my hands in his pockets, when we pull away, I steal his hat and leave with it running,
"Come on Olivia, I'm not gonna run after you again..."
"Then you'll never get your beanie back !"
"You're exhausting me !"
He runs after me and catches me, takes his beanie back and put it on my head, pulling it down on my eyes and nose.
"Draco ! That's not funny !"
"That's payback for acting like a 4 year old !"
I laugh and hug him, he hugs me back.
"I'm cold Draco.."
"Here, you want my scarf, gloves or my coat ?"
"Humm, your scarf, it's cool, I love the green."
"So you're a Slytherin at heart ?"
"Nooo, I'm a proud Hufflepuff, you're too ambitious for my lazy arse.."
"True !"
He laughs and put his scarf around my neck, adjusting it so that it covers my neck well.
I look up at him, while he's concentrating on the scarf.
"Thank you."

We suddenly hear someone clearing their throat. We turn around to see Jasper and Elsie looking at us a bit nervous and kind of embarrassed.
"Hum hi ?"
"Hi, we were wondering, if you wanted to go have a butterbeer with us ?"
"Draco and me ? With you ? Now ?"
"Yes, exactly Olivia."
I look at Draco, waiting for his answer, he shrugs and slightly nods at me.
"Great, perfect, let's go then.."
"Well I don't have money on me.."
"I got it Olivia, it's fine." Draco's says.
"Okay then."
We walk over to the path without snow, that's leads to Hogsmeade.
When we're there, we all sit at the table in the back, I sit next to Draco and in front of me is Elsie, Jasper is in front of Draco and he's looking at him with frowned eyebrows.
Draco rolls his eyes, and looks at me with an annoyed face. I smile at him.
"So, why did you ask us to come ?"
"Well, we figured, since you two are, um, together... we might as well get to know Draco, a bit better."
"That's, great.. I guess."
"What do you want to know ?"
"Well, I don't know, tell us about yourself."
"What, you want me to say I do what I do because of my abusive father, or that I'm jealous of Harry ? I don't want you to pity me, and nothing that I could tell you would make you change your mind about me ! You've already decided who I am, you think I don't know that ?"
I take his hand under the table and slightly squeeze it, when he looks at me, I smile at him, and I can see his jaw untighten and his face soften.
"That's not true, when I saw you with Olivia, this morning, I saw you in a way I never did, and Olivia is my best friend, and if she says that you're a good person then I believe her, because I know she's the one that would know."
"Alright, but if you want me to spill my darkest deepest secrets, sorry but that's not going to happen, this is only for Olivia.."
He winks at me, and I can feel the tension slowly leave the room.
I smile at Elsie, and we all start to talk lightly with each other.

After we leave Hogsmeade, we part ways, I decide to stay a bit with Draco while Elsie and jasper leave to go back to the school. When they left, I turn to him.
"Draco ?"
"Yes ?" He says with a smile.
"Id really like to tell everyone.., not like make a announcement but just like stay together in public and everything and not keep it a secret."
"Well, sure, I mean your friends already know, and I don't have any friend whose opinion matter to me so why not."
"Really ?"
"Of course, do you think I'm ashamed of us ?"
"No, I don't know, maybe you wouldn't want to be seen with a Hufflepuff girl, knowing you're the Draco Malfoy.." I say with a laugh.
"Olivia, do you know that actually Slytherins really like Hufflepuffs, they're like our favorite house, Gryffindor is kind of our enemy, and Ravenclaw and us are fighting for the better grades, so yeah Hufflepuff are cool, they don't judge, exactly like you."
"Really ?"
"Yes, I thought you knew, it's a well known fact actually."
"I didn't see it but now that you told me that, most of the Hufflepuffs I know have many close friends  in Slytherin, that's crazy I never noticed that.."
"You're just in your own world."
"Good, then we're okay, and we'll tell people, I'm nervous.."
"Don't be."
"And Olivia, um, do you think you could ask Harry, to let me in Dumbledore's army ?"
"What ?"
"Well, if we're together, maybe he'll trust me, and it's not that I don't like our.. private lessons but first, we mostly kiss during them and second, I want to make them understand I'm the good guy.."
"Sure, I'll ask him, tonight at dinner maybe."
"Thanks, it's okay if he doesn't want to.."
"I'm sure he'll understand."
"Let's go ?"
We pay for our butterbeers and leave.
Back at Hogwarts, it's lunch, we enter the great hall, hands in hands, and some people look at us on our way, more or less discreetly. We part ways to sit a our houses table, and I find Jasper and Elsie back.
"So, you're telling it to everyone."
"No, just not keeping it secret anymore, we never really did actually."
"Look Olivia, we're sorry.."
"For what ?"
"For not trusting you about Draco, he seems really nice, and he cares about you, I see it."
"Took you long enough.."
"Well, now that we do, do you forgive us ?"
"Of course, you're my best friends, it's not enough to tear us apart.. but I could use a favor from you.."
"Anything ."
"I'd like you to help me convince Harry to let Draco's into DA."
"He wants to ?"
"Yes, he wants to change his image.."
"I mean...sure, we'll help."
"Thank you !"
"Well, talking about it.."
I see Harry coming at our table, looking at me.
"Olivia, can I talk to you?"
"Sure go ahead."
"What's going on between you and Malfoy, we just saw you holding hands.."
"We're together yes."
"You're going out with a Slytherin ? And it's Draco Malfoy ?"
"You just got it."
"You've got to be kidding me, Olivia he's bad, his parents are.."
"I know what his parents are, but I also know Draco is not his parents, he's himself, and it's time you let him be who he wants to be, not who he should be because of his parents ! Give him a choice for once !"
"What do you mean ?"
"He'd like to join Dumbledore's army, he wants to help, Harry."
"No way, he'll tell everyone, I don't trust him."
"Well I do, and Jasper and Elsie too, right ?"
"Harry.., we saw him today, had a butter beer at hogsmeade, he cares about her, and he's not the same Draco, I think we can trust him."
"Olivia, if something happens, it'll be on you, don't make me regret trusting you, this is a big decision.."
"I know that, but trust me, I know him."
"Then, it's okay, Draco will join Dumbledore's army."
"Thank you Harry."

Authors note:
Thank you for everyone voting and reading my chapters, don't hesitate to comment, wether it's bad or good, I really like criticism as long as it's productive criticism.
Thank you really much, you bring happiness into my days :)
Hope you enjoy and continue to read our story.
If you have suggestions, or things you'd like to see happening, tell me, your advices are welcome !

If you have suggestions, or things you'd like to see happening, tell me, your advices are welcome !🤍

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