Chapter 4

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Zuko's P.O.V.

"—Chief Sokka." Hakoda said as he put the paint markings on Sokka's face. I didn't know what they meant, but I guessed they were important. Izumi was wrapped onto my back, so I wasn't completely sitting up right. Then Sokka stood up and faced us before we started clapping.

Then a party was started after and we were having fun. We were chatting, eating, and some were even dancing. However, I eventually needed a bit of a break from it all and I went outside on the balcony with my arms on the edge. I sighed as the air I breathed out made a little cloud. I thankfully made sure that Izumi would be warm enough.

"Hey." A male voice said as they walked up to me. I looked next to me and saw Sokka who was standing next to me. He still had on the paint markings on his face.

"Hi." I said in response. He just leaned his back against the edge with his elbows on top of the edge.

"Get bored in there?"

"Not really. I just needed a breather."

"I understand that." He said before we went into an uncomfortable silence. "Soooo..." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.


"Well, there was something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Why did you fight so hard to make same sex marriage legal again? I mean you fought for that before you and Angg went to fix the history books." He said before I blushed.

"I just thought that my people shouldn't have to hide who they are anymore. I am trying to turn the fire nation around."

"I know that, but you fought for it on an almost personal level. That's what it looked like to me." He said before I sighed.

"It did feel kinda personal to me. I've always had to hide parts of myself growing up. In fear that I would be humiliated or worse. And one of those things were who I feel in love with."

"So, you're saying you liked guys and not girls?"

"Yeah, I know that I kept that from everyone meaning I should probably trust you guys more. But I just got so used to hiding it and even though I don't have to hide that part of me anymore, it's still weird for me to come out about it. I did tell Angg though, but mainly because he got to talking about the air nomads culture and how they believed that love was outside the body and everything. So, I told him about how I felt growing up that a man liking another man was very wrong."

"What about Mai? I'm not questioning about if you loved her or not."

"I don't really know to be honest. I felt like I was forcing myself to love her at times and others I felt like I did love her. She was basically the only girl I could be with and not feel like I was forced. So, I just don't know, but I did really care about her. And now that's she's gone..." I said before trailing off.

"Hey." Sokka said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "It's gonna be okay. You're gonna do a good job of raising Izumi, and you have us to help."

"Thank you, Sokka." I said before we both looked at each other. Then we blushed and looked away, he also took his arm of my shoulders.

"Well, some they're probably wondering where we are. We should go back inside."

"I will go inside in a little bit."

"Alright." He said before going back inside. I just stayed there for a little while watching the snow fall. No one really got to see snow falling like this anywhere else, it was kinda nice. I sighed as I was about to go back inside, but Katara came out before going to the side of the building. I didn't think much of it before I heard the sound of liquid falling. I got curious and quietly went to where she was. She was hunched over and had her hand on her stomach with her other hand on the wall. I realized she was vomiting.

"Katara, are you okay?!" I said as I ran over to her. She looked over her shoulder at me, but didn't say anything. "Here, I'll get you to a healing hut or your and Angg's room. So, you can rest and get better." I said as I put her arm, the one that was on her stomach, around my shoulders and helped her stand up. She held her stomach with her other hand.

"Z-Zuko..." She said weakly. "I just needed to rest for a minute." She said as I helped her walk, but she was resisting.

"No, you need to rest until you get better. What will Angg do if this gets worse?"


"I can't even imagine what he will do if he loses you."

"Zuko, I'm just pregnant!" She said before I stoped and looked at her.

"What?" I said as I stoped trying to walk with her.

"I'm going to have a baby." She said before I helped her sit against the wall.

"Does Angg know?"

"He does, but I haven't told anyone else."


"You can go back inside, I'll be back when I fell a little better."

"No, I'm gonna stay with you just incase." I said before taking Izumi off my back and sitting next to Katara. I held Izumi against my chest.

"I think, my dad and Sokka might have figured it out."

"What makes you say that?"

"Dad said I was acting like mom when she was pregnant with Sokka. So, I think they both caught on."


"Based on him saying that, I might be having a boy. But either way, Izumi won't be the only baby in the group anymore. Maybe they can become friends." She said as she rubbed Izumi's back. She kinda groaned in response before turning her head on the other side, away from Katara.


"I think I feel a little better. We can go back inside."

"Okay, I'll help you up then." I said as I stood up. Then I wrapped Izumi around my chest before helping Katara up. We went back to the party, though it was more died down now.

Words: 1080
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Until next time!

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