One Last Kiss

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New story! Hope you like it!









│Chapter One│



Every year a girl is cursed. A curse that every girl wishes they don’t come upon. A curse that can change a whole girl’s life. And this curse, involves a kiss and death. Two things that no one would think to connect. If the girl who has the curse is kissed on the lips, she dies—instantly. Sure the girl can be kissed anywhere else but they all get kissed on the lips eventually. Temptation is key. If the girl doesn’t give into temptation, she lives. But if she does, death is her final destination. Long story short, all who are cursed, give into temptation.

          I read it multiple times. That one paragraph has warned me what my curse is capable of. When my parents found out about my curse they drilled that paragraph into my head. No boys. No touching. And absolutely no kissing, anywhere. I didn’t find it in me to disagree either. My life was at stake and I wasn’t going to throw it away for a mere simple kiss.

          As the years went by I had to fight temptation. Middle school and high school was tough. This year will be my last year of high school and I can’t be more excited about it. I’ll be going to college miles away, much to my parent’s dismay. I want to have my own life and be independent. Just because I have this curse shouldn’t prevent me from having a fulfilled life. My mom once told me that because I had this curse, no guy would want me. I will be alone in life and I needed to stay home. That was the very first time I hated my mother. And it wasn’t the last.

          The other people who know about my curse, other than my parents, are my two best friends: Jake and Rebecca. They have been my support system throughout the years and helped me through my struggle. I don’t know what I would do if they weren’t with me. I love them both so much.

          “Hey,” Rebecca says as she sits next to me. I was currently under a tree in the court yard of the school. Shade engulfs us and cools us down. It was a hot day outside and shade is needed. Rebecca’s dark blonde, curly hair is perfectly made even in this hot weather. Some are plastered by sweat on the side of her forehead but that was it. She sets her purse down on the grass before leaning close to me to see what I was reading. “Again?” she questions. “Why are you always reading that? Are you looking for a secret meaning within that paragraph?”

          I shrugged and wiped some sweat off my forehead. The sun was blazing that I had to squint when I looked up. I saw Jake playing on the football field with the rest of the team. Jake was the quarterback while Rebecca and I were his ‘normal’ friends. I looked away from him and saw some of the troublemakers standing by the back entrance. School hasn’t started yet so this is their time to get an early morning smoke in.

          “I guess the more I read it the more it seems surreal,” I say as I turn to look at Rebecca. She was leaning back on her hands as she watches the football players playing. “People think I’m normal…it’s far from it.”

          Rebecca turns to me then and says, “You’re as normal as the next person. So what if you have this curse? At least you can still have sex.”

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