Alex's POV
"This is dumb" I say, crossing my arms. my mom says "you should of thought about that when you got expelled." I say "isn't boarding school a bit much though?" She says "cmon, Lex, it'll be a new experience." I say "don't call me that please" in a small voice. Then I say "mom, how am I supposed to share a room with another dude when I haven't had top surgery yet? I can't wear a binder 24/7 ya know. I'm kind of freaking out." Mom says "it'll be a good for you to do this, you may not like it at first but it'll be worth it. Think about this, you're having top surgery in 2 months, you don't to tell people anything even if they ask you, they don't have to know if you don't want to tell them then don't." I say "2 months?!" She says "Yeah, I'm gonna try and get it sooner later, ok?" I nod and she says "were here." I groan and she says "Alex, you can do it, call me whenever you want, I'll send you updates if you send me some, ok?" I nod saying "wish me luck" getting out fo the car. Mom says "I love you" and I say "love you too, mom." I mumble "this place is a fucking castle" walking towards this place. I mumble "I hope the sorting hat puts me in slytherin cause this is fuck Hogwarts" making myself chuckle. I better not get expelled here cause then I'm grounded forever according to my dad. Sorry dad, I like to cause trouble and I'm good at getting caught. I roll my eyes at myself mumbling "I need help, thats probably why I'm at this fucking dumbass place." I bite my lip mumbling "perfectly terrified, feeling good I guess" sighing. I mumble "don't dig yourself into a hole, Alex its not good for you." I open the door, sliding my phone into my pocket. I lean against the wall inside cause it seems I'm supposed to wait or something. I tap my fingers on my thigh anxiously cause this doesn't look like a castle on the inside it looks like a fucking doctors office and I hate it. I glare at the wall opposite me and I groan quietly, going up to this desk. The woman says "first and last name?" I say "Alex Gaskarth" biting my lip. She smiles saying "key and ID, newsletter, and you're alright with having a roommate, correct?" I need more experiences and I say "yes" reluctantly. She says "don't be so tough on yourself, dude. You're cool." I smile saying "thank you" quietly. She smiles, nodding, and I look at the key and I have a room on the top floor, perfect. I go to the elevator to scan my card and get in this. I mumble "this dumb fucking place better look like a fucking castle" and a dude walks in saying "it does, you will not be disappointed." I smile, looking down. The guy says "I'm Mike" shaking my hand. I say "Alex" quietly. He says "you like Harry Potter?" I nod saying "this place looked like Hogwarts from the outside and I was greatly disappointed when I walked into a fucking doctors office" rolling my eyes. He says "it looks like a castle, I promise, top floors the coolest though." I say "how long have you been here?" He says "for too long but it gets pretty fucking cool here. Not a lot of drama but people are really dumb here sometimes, you get used to it." I smile and I say "do I have to give a nurse medication or can I deal with it on my own?" Mike says "they just have to be aware that you have it but you can do it on your own." I mumble "you're fucking Jesus" making him laugh. I say "from now on, I'm going to call you Jesus fucking Christ, I hope you aren't too religious" as the elevator beeps. He laughs saying "1, no one here is religious but some are a little more sheltered than others, be careful. 2, I'm too sinful for religion" chuckling. I smile and I walk to my room him going across the hall from the elevator. I fix my beanie and I look up mumbling "woah, this place does look like a fucking castle. Welcome to Hogwarts, I hope you like actual school and not becoming a wizard" rolling my eyes. I go into the room, quietly saying "you'll never be a fucking wizard, Alex. This is a fucking school of I don't know, fucking school not of wizardry. Fuck off" flopping on the bed thats gonna be mine cause the other has a guy on it that I just noticed. I say "oww, fuck!" I roll off the bed and I say "I'm gonna stay here now" on the floor, groaning. The guy says "you alright?" I nod saying "mhmm" yawning. He rolls off the bed saying "oww, why would you do that? Whats so different about down here versus up there?" I say "I don't know" and we both chuckle. He says "I'm Jack, the beds are much more comfortable than you think they'd be" standing up. I stand up, laying on the bed, carefully or I'm gonna kill my ribs again. I say "I'm Alex" in a small voice. I tap my thighs with my fingers and he says "what do you like to do?" I say "I don't know, play guitar, play video games, nap." He says "me too. Favorite movie?" I say "hmmm, I like the fifth element." He says "mmm, nice." I say "what about you?" He says "Home Alone." I say "isn't that a Christmas movie?" He gasps saying "no, its just on Christmas but its not a Christmas movie." I say "you have a point cause like one of the Harry Potter movies are based on Christmas and one on Halloween and those aren't Halloween or Christmas movies." We nod in agreement and Jack says "do you have any medication on you? I'm only asking cause I almost got detention for several days because I didn't tell them about it." I mumble "I have to tell them?" Jack nods saying "the dose, when you take it, and whats its called if you want to keep the medication in your room." I groan saying "will I have to leave this room for the rest of today?" Jack says "no, theres nothing happening the rest of the day, why?" I say "I have to make the call or do I have to go and talk to them, how do I do this?" He says "789 on the room phone and you'll get the nurse and you just have to tell her and thats it." I say "k" grabbing my bag and taking all the medications out minus testosterone. I call the extension and a woman answers saying "hello?" I say "hi, I was told I'm supposed to call about keeping medication in my room instead of with you, is that right?" She says "yes! Whats your name?" I sit up saying "Alex Gaskarth" and I put this dumb phone on speaker.

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