Alex's POV
Rian says "whats dysphoric?" I gasp saying "you don't know dysphoria? Shes a bitch don't listen to her." Kellin chuckles saying "you seem to have experience." We laugh and I say "I got 99 problems but dysphoria wont be 1 just kidding am I kidding myself? Yes! Anyways, I'm sorry, I'm really high right now and not on the good stuff. I'm sorry. Dysphoria is basically a trans man being like man, I wish these boobs would kill themselves in a fiery car wreck. Its depressing and being uncomfortable in your own skin. Like I wanna go home but I'm already at home, its hard to explain. I mean boobs are great but I don't want them on my body! Definitely my own demons showing" laughing at myself. Kellin says "wait, you're trans!?" I chuckle, nodding. I say "I'll tell you like anything you need to know about your book if it involves experience but if you need exact measurements of stuff and a bunch of other things, you'll have to look those up." May says "your screaming alarm was really funny, I wanted to tell you that at some point but that was really fucking funny." I chuckle saying "thanks I try." Kellin says "so, if I'm going to write a book with a trans main character I should?" I say "make sure their whole life isn't based around their transitions. It takes up a lot of my life sure, it doesn't take up my whole life. Oh, make sure your character complains about binders if you're doing a female to male transition and say it hurts to wear but the character never wants to take it off. Trust me its important. Also, if you want to make this funny and weird but very true make your character whine about being horny the day after taking hormones" laughing. Mike says "like free viagra?" I say "no, its the worse especially when you want to go to school cause it would be your first day but no you're really fucking hungry and horny and really fucking tired at the same time" rolling my eyes. I say "thats why I'm done today" laughing. We all chuckle and Rian says "seems reasonable." I say "I'm just a mess today. You guys are great" resting my head on Jacks shoulder. I say "I'm tired, I'm gonna go sleep before I pass out sitting here." May says "bye" waving. I wave back and Jack makes up an excuse to come with me. We lay on my bed and he mumbles "you a sleepy boy cause I am too." I nod, burrowing my head into his neck and the pillows. He smiles and I mumble "2 sleepy boys" making us chuckle. Jack kisses my forehead, making me blush. I mumble "I'm comfortable but my ribs hurt" whining. Jack says "go take it off, handsome" kissing me. I say "but I don't want to" wrapping my arms around his waist.  He mumbles "I'll take it off for you." I say "you won't be able to do it" chuckling. I reluctantly get up and grab a sports bra, going into the bathroom. I take like 5 minutes to get this binder off and I put the sports bra on and I walk out. I lay next to him and he legit buries his face in my chest. I chuckle, mumbling "what are you doing?" He mumbles "I like your boobs" making me laugh. He cuddles closer to me mumbling "your skin is soft" rubbing my side. I run my hand through his hair and he leans up and kisses my jaw. I say "hi, baby" wrapping my arms around him. He smiles and mumbles "hi, handsome" kissing my chest. He leans up and kisses me. I say "why do you like my boobs so much?" He says "mmm, I don't know, they're nice, you're nice to look at" kissing me and resting his head back on my chest, curling into me. I chuckle saying "mmm, I could sleep but then we'd be up at like 2 if we slept now." Jack mumbles "mmmm" kissing my chest, peppering my chest with kisses. I bite my lip and he licks gently and I mumble "I better be able to cover those with a shirt" him biting gently. I groan quietly and I mumble "those are going to show" as he kisses me. I groan and he smiles, licking up my neck and kisses me. I tiredly kiss him and he mumbles "tell me something." I mumble "like what?" He mumbles "I don't know" acting all cute and tired. I smile, mumbling "you're cute" kissing his head and running my hand through his hair. He smiles, rubbing my back gently. I mumble "I'm tired." He mumbles "me too" yawning. We end up falling asleep.
The next morning
Jack mumbles "wake up" repeatedly kissing me. I tiredly kiss back and he mumbles "hi, handsome." I mumble "hi, babe" gently biting his lip. I get up and go shower. I get dressed and Jack says "can I come in yet?" I laugh saying "yes, Jack" opening the door. The door opens inwards and he falls backwards on his back, looking up at me, and says "hi." I laugh saying "you're weird" blow drying my hair. He sits on the sink counter and I start singing some Green Day song that's stuck in my head that I soon realize is Brain Stew. Jack says "you're cute" making me blush but I keep singing. I finish drying my hair and I put a SnapBack on, yawning. Jack hugs me from behind saying "hi" and I turn my head to kiss him, biting his lip. He mumbles "what do you have first?" I say "fucking Algebra or something" as I kiss him. He bites my lip and he pulls away. I turn around, kissing him, and putting my hand on the back of his neck, pulling his hair. He runs his tongue over my bottom lip and his tongue enters my mouth. I moan quietly mumbling "don't we have to leave?" He says "we have a few minutes" and I play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Someone knocks and I scream "NO!" Rian bursts out laughing and so does Jack. I say "that was reflex" laughing. Rian says "hurry up!" Jack says "just a second" pecking my lips. I mumble "turn around" and he raises an eyebrow, doing so. I fix his hair so he doesn't have sex hair. He turns around saying "am I good?" I say "yeah" and he puts a shirt on. I hug him and he kisses my neck. I bite my lip saying "ok, lets go." I grab my backpack and he grabs his and I mumble "school. Eww." We laugh and open the door. Rian says "what are you guys laughing at?" I laugh saying "I don't know" smiling. He rolls his eyes and says "sure" chuckling. Rian says "no ones going to wake up." I say "are they all out?" Rian says "I think so." I say "watch this" and I yell "YOU'RE ALL OF A SUDDEN STRAIGHT" and I hear a few bodies crash to the floor and a few screams of no. We laugh and I say "that worked" shrugging. We walk out of the building and I say "cold" glaring at the sky. Rian chuckles saying "you alright?" I laugh nodding. I hear a guy yell "MY TITS ARE FREEZING." I laugh mumbling "me too" and we laugh.

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