Alex's POV
I say "where are we going now?" Jack says "I don't know" as we walk off campus. He says "literally the only thing this town is known for is the school, this town is small, all you need to know about is Main Street and this road and another road." I laugh saying "you know your road names well" sarcastically. Jack laughs saying "yeah, this road has literally nothing but the school on it." We keep walking and I say "thats a cool house" and we both laugh. I say "that was random" chuckling. I bite my lip and Jack says "this is Main Street, it has everything, all the posers hang out at that gas stations so if you want to hit someone go in there. They are aggressive though but if you run they aren't going to chase you, learned from experience" making me chuckle. I chuckle, biting my lip, and he says "they are actually posers, they suck to talk to. Theres a bunch of different places, you'll learn what they are eventually." I say "I want ice cream but I'm lactose intolerant. Darn." Jack says "same!" We chuckle and I say "mmm, pizza sounds good too. Damnit. Well, I'm not fully lactose intolerant so like pizza doesn't affect me. I'm hungry." Jack laughs saying "mmmm, pizza." I say "but I don't want to talk to people." Jack says "what if we go back and get it delivered?" I say "sure, lets do that" and we start walking back to the dorms. We go into the dorms and Mary says "am I signing you back in?" Jack says "yup, thank you!" I bite my lip and Jack puts his arm around my shoulders. I blush saying "what?" He says "nothing" smiling. I lay on my bed saying "I'm hungry!" Jack chuckles saying "shhh" pulling his phone out to call in for pizza. My binder is getting really uncomfortable. I feel really comfortable around Jack so I for some reason don't mind taking it off. We've gotten really close for some reason, its weird but its happening I guess. I grab a sweatshirt, sports bra, sweatpants, and I go into the bathroom, quickly changing. I lay on my bed, pulling my sleeves up, and putting my hood on. Jack says "I ordered a lot of pizza." I say "how much?" He says "like 3." I laugh saying "Jack!" He says "what?!" I say "thats a lot." We laugh and he says "well, we will eat all of it." I say "right" chuckling. Someone knocks on the door and Jack says "ah shit, I forgot. Would you be ok with my sister coming in?" I'm gonna end up meeting her at some point either way probably. Jack mumbles "shes not going to care, Alex. To be completely honest, your sweatshirt is big enough to the point where I can't tell, shes not going to know" looking down. I say "you sure?" I blush and he nods saying "yeah, give me a second" going to the door. This girl comes through the door yelling "THE QUEEN IS HERE!" Jack says "chill out, May." I chuckle and she says"omg, new guy, he's so cute, Jack. Can I hug him?!" Jack says "I know, ask him not me" making me blush. Jack smiles and lays on his bed. May says "omg, can I hug you?" I shrug saying "sure?" She hugs me saying "you're so cute. I'm May" sitting across from me. I say "I'm Alex and thanks" chuckling. She says "I wanna keep you." I chuckle and Jack says "you can't keep him" rolling his eyes. May says "darn, Jack, I guess you can't jerk off in your room anymore" making us all burst out laughing. Jack says "guess not, unless" making me roll my eyes. May laughs saying "you guys can do whatever you want as long as I'm not here." Jack says "yeah, I know" rolling his eyes. We talk for a little bit and my alarm to take testosterone goes off, which is me pre transition, screaming "TAKE YOUR FUCKING T, ALEX OR YOU'RE GOING TO END UP LIKE ME AGAIN. SINCERELY, THE QUEEN AKA PAST YOU" and I can hear the eye roll. I laugh saying "I'm gonna kill myself now" almost crying laughing. Jack says "that was you?" I say "yup, that was me" chuckling. Then the phone rings and I answer it saying "Alex speaking." The woman says "its the nurse, its time for you take your testosterone, you know how to do it right?" I say "yup, I've been doing it myself for the past several months." She says "ok, awesome. K, bye" hanging up. I chuckle saying "remind me" rolling my eyes. I mumble "I got my own, thanks past psycho self" making us all laugh. May says "I wont tell anyone if you don't want me to" smiling and looking up at me. I say "yeah, please don't. Ugh, tomorrow is going to suck. Is this place crazy about needles being thrown in the trash or do I need a safe bin thing?" Jack says "they don't care I don't think." May says "they don't" and I say "perfect" grabbing a syringe, a bottle of Testosterone, a couple alcohol swabs, and gauze. I got everything I think and I go into the bathroom, boredly singing as I do so. Jack says "you have a nice voice" making me blush saying "thank you" as I take the testosterone into the syringe, tapping the syringe to get air out of it as I do. I finish doing that and I put the cap on, shut the door, and I take my pants down cause I have to do this thing in my thigh. I swab my thigh, still boredly singing cause I hate shots but this is the only way to do this and it calms my nerves to sing while I do it. I dry the spot a little bit and I stick myself with the needle. I mumble "ouch, fuck" as I push the medication slowly through the needle. I pull it out mumbling "woohoo, I'm gonna be a mess tonight and tomorrow." Jack says "you went quiet, you alright?" I say "yeah, I'm good. I was focusing" throwing everything away. I pull my pants up and I go back out and lay on my bed. I sigh saying "I'm going to be a mess till like day after tomorrow." Jack says "as in?" I say "you'll find out" face planting my pillow. May chuckles and Jack says "ooooo, pizzas here" as he hears a knock at the door. May and I look at each other chuckling as he practically runs to the door of our small room. May mumbles "he's being nice to you right?" I nod and she mumbles "he's just a little overwhelming like me sometimes, you can tell him to just chill out if he's being a bit too much." I nod mumbling "he's being nice to me" looking down. She says "thats good" and Jack comes back with a lot of pizza.

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