Alex's POV
I shower and put on jeans, a tee shirt, my binder cause duh, a flannel, and doc martens. I bite my lip and I mumble "alright. Lets do this I guess." I check the time and I mumble "take the binder off around 9 pm" and I blow dry my hair. Jack sits on the sink counter next to me saying "why are you blow drying your hair?" I say "cause this is what it looks like if I don't" scrolling through my phone and showing him a picture of my hair when it air dries. I say "cause my hair isn't the straightest thing. Neither is the rest of me but thats not the point. It's just frizzy and weird if it air dries" chuckling. I finish with my hair and put a beanie on. Jack laughs saying "me too." I bite my lip and I say "what are we doing?" He says "come on, were going to go walk around." I say "ok" grabbing my phone and putting it in my back pocket. We start walking through the dorm part of this place and he says "this place is kind of castle like but the school buildings looks more like a castle." I nod and he says "this buildings pretty straight forward, hallways, 3 elevators, and whatever." We go to the bottom floor where I was yesterday. Jack mumbles "the bottom floor of this place is like where you check in to campus, sign out, and ask questions about different things. They'll direct you wherever if you get lost, that kind of thing. He goes up to the front desk saying "Mary, could you sign us out around like 3 please?" She says "yup, where you going?" Jack says "who knows" shrugging. I smile and Mary says "be back by 8 or you both have detention, k?" Jack nods and we leave the building. I say "where are we going later?" Jack says "you don't live in this town right?" I say "nope." Jack says "I'm just going to show you everything then." I say "great" and he says "theres like 4 dorms, they're all coed cause of various reasons that I don't even know. Anyways, that really tall building doesn't have elevators, its really annoying when you have a class at the top of the building. The academic directors are on the bottom floor, like if you have a doctors note for something or you want to change your classes, that's where you go." We walk around some more and he points out a building next to that one saying "thats where the nurses office is, the dean, if you get in trouble thats where you go. Those guys run the school, they're pretty funny though if you aren't in trouble" making me chuckle. He points to the other side of the giant building saying "thats one of the gyms, you have PE, maybe study hall, and sports shit. Then our dorm thing. We keep walking away from our dorm and he says "we don't have to walk all the way down there but thats another gym, thats self explanatory but they mostly hold like practices there and thats it. Thats the math and science building, its also pretty self explanatory." He points to the building next to it saying "thats another dorm" points at another building saying "thats thats the dining hall and the student lounge." We walk a bit more and he says "thats another dorm, thats another dorm, and thats the library." I nod saying "I think I'll remember that." Jack says "good. What do you want to do for work when you grow up." I say "why?" He says "you're going to get asked by teachers and I'm curious" skipping as I walk. I chuckle saying "I wanna be a chef, you?" He says "thats so fucking cool! I don't know, I'm very impulsive so I have a feeling I'll know when I get there." A teacher walks by saying "Jack, language." Jack says "sorry!" She says "its ok! I'm required to say it, don't worry about it, Jack. I gotta go clean up my room for classes tomorrow. I'll see you around" walking away. I say "shes seems nice" and Jack says "she is but in class she has a whole system of how things work in her room." I say "every teacher does." He says "right" and a teacher walks by, dramatically saying, in a British accent "good morning, Mr. Barakat and student I don't know! How are you?!" Jack says "very good, just showing this guy around." The teacher says "I wish you luck! I hope to see you both tomorrow!" Jack says "you will" and the guy walks away and I chuckle saying "that guy is interesting." Jack says "he's crazy but you'll be woken up when you're about to fall asleep mid day. Theres a method to his madness though" chuckling. We sit on the ground against a tree, his back against the opposite side of the tree. He says "ok, one more thing so you don't have to talk to a bunch of teachers about whats what. You have to join at least one extra curricular activity, it can be whatever you want." I say "what do you do?" Jack says "honestly, I write and speak at like all the assemblies for most of the clubs." I say "holy shit, thats a lot though." Jack says "they let me do it because they needed a spokesperson for all of the clubs and literally no one wanted to do it except like 3 people" chuckling. I laugh saying "true, there is a lot of people here, I wouldn't want to speak in front of them." Jack says "I just make a fool of myself, its my brand" making me chuckle. I say "thats a pretty good brand to have sometimes." We chuckle and I see this muscly scary looking dude telling this group of guys "nope, few more laps, lets go guys before I tell coach what happened to the locker rooms" and I just see those guys go maybe 5 times faster. Jack laughs and the muscly scary guy smiles saying "hey, Jack, you must be Alex?" I nod and Jack says "hi, Zack. Rian threatened me with you dragging me out of my room yesterday." Zack says "you know I'll do it but I was sleeping when he said that to you I know that. I slept all day yesterday cause I was sick." I say "you recover quickly from being sick." Zack says "I have to so I don't get behind on everything. What can I say? I'm a busy boy." Jack says "I'm a lazy boy." I say "like the chair?" We all laugh and Zack says "Jack, you're crazy, you don't have the time except some of the weekend." I say "I'm a sleepy boy" yawning. We laugh and Zack says "one of those guys are going to scream at me when the coach just told me to tell them what to do" chuckling. The guys come back from all of their laps and one of them says "hey, hotshot, how many more?" Zack says "no more unless you want more?" They all furiously shake their heads and Zack says "great, back to the gym, we have half an hour than you got the rest of the day, now go" and basically Zacks minions leave and Zack says "cya around guys" following them. I say "I see why people would be scared of him." Jack chuckles, shrugging.

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