A few days later
Alex's POV
I say "wake up" straddling Jacks hips. He opens his eyes, tiredly making grabby hands at me. I mumble "aww, good morning, baby" leaning down to kiss him. Jack mumbles "morning, handsome" kissing me. He runs his fingers gently over my spine, making me shiver. He rests one of his hands on the side of my neck, running his thumb over my cheekbone. I smile, kissing him some more. I bite his lip mumbling "you're so pretty" and he says "you're so handsome" kissing my bottom lip. Jack kisses me and I pull away mumbling " we have to get ready" than burying my head in his shoulder. He mumbles "you're my baby." I smile, resting my head on his chest. He mumbles "move a little bit" a little strained. I smirk, moving the opposite way, and Jack groans quietly mumbling "don't I'm horny but we don't have time." I smile and I say "don't what?" He says "that, stop grinding on me." I kiss him and he pulls my hair a little bit. I smile and he pecks my bottom lip, biting softly. I smile, licking his bottom lip softly. Rian knocks saying "come on, get up, boys!" I say "shut up, you sound like my mom!" I kiss Jack and I sit up, him grabbing my hips. He squeezes my hips and Rian aays "hurry up" and Mike screams NO!" We laugh and I get up, kissing Jacks cheek. I get ready for school and the phone in the room rings. It goes straight to voicemail and it says "this call is coming from district 53, we have no school today due to everything being slippery and hazardous outside on campus so no ones coming to school today. Thank you" and it cuts. Jack mumbles "come back to bed" and I strip, getting back in bed. I say "Rian, theres no school today" and a lot of people on the floor cheer. I chuckle and Jack and I cuddle, slowly falling back to sleep.
A few hours later
We eventually wake up and Jack kisses me, pulling me closer. I smile and he cuddles closer to me. I mumble "aww" kissing his forehead. I mumble "you're so cute" and he softly kisses my neck. Jack mumbles "hi, handsome." I smile saying "hi" kissing him. I mumble "your morning voice is sexy" kissing him. He smiles, licking my bottom lip, and combing his fingers through my hair gently. I bite my lip and I hear several knocks on the door then my phone rings. I say "the mafias coming to get me" and we laugh. Jack goes to answer the door and I answer my phone saying "hello, mate" casually. Jack says "what is the plan guys? You guys can't just stand at the door." We laugh and Oli says "hey, love, do you have school today?" I say "no, why?" He says "what are we doing then cause theres clearly something that someone planned." I say "I dunno, I wanna sleep though." Andy says "tough luck then, buddy cause apparently were going to go do something, bring the British boys." I say "Oliver, where's the Joshua Fransexy boy? We'll need him too cause were doing something today." Oli chuckles saying "don't give him a bigger ego." I hear Josh yawn and he says "Alex, you're my favorite, I'm the sexiest boy." We laugh and Oli says "of course you are" chuckling. I say "I'll text you the details about what were doing later, k?" Oli says "see you later, Alex" and I say "bye" him hanging up. I yawn saying "what are we doing today?" I put on sweatpants and lay back on the bed and Andy says "we were thinking you would have an idea." I say "can we all agree on not going outside though?" They all nod and I say "what if we all spend a couple days at my parents house? We could terribly make cookies or something" chuckling. We chuckle and Rian says "that sounds good." I say "great, I gotta call a parental figure though." We laugh and Jack lays next to me, hugging me, and resting his head on my chest. I say "hi" kissing his forehead and I get my phone out. He mumbles "hi" and I call my mom. Mom says "hey, Alex, whats up?" I run my hand through Jacks hair saying "can my friends and I come over?" She says "sure, your father is working and I have to go to work in a little bit. So, when you get here you'll be alone, don't burn the house down please." I say "ok, love you." She says "love you too" hanging up. I run my hand through Jacks hair and I say "we can as long as we don't burn down the house" chuckling. We laugh and Jack mumbles "don't let me near the kitchen then" yawning and kissing my cheek. I say "we have kind of responsible people in this group where you aren't going to burn the house down." We laugh and Jack says "I don't know, Alex" kissing me. Rian says "we wont let him burn the house down." Lonny says "doesn't it take a few hours to get there so shouldn't we leave now?" I say "yeah, lets go. It'll take a little bit" and we all go outside and May says "I think we should split up between the least amount of cars as possible." We all nod in agreement and Jack says "I'm assuming I'm driving?" I say "yup, May you going?" We all separate into cars and we all separate, with Andy, Lonny, and May going with Jack and I. Andy says "what if we put May in the trunk?" We laugh and May says "rude, I'm driving." Jack says "no you aren't, I'm driving." I say "May, you're 14." May says "damn, I thought you'd let me drive." I say "no" chuckling. May sits in the middle in the back and Lonny and Andy sit each side of her. Andy says "can you give me a bit more room, Alex." I say "I'll attempt" moving my seat forward. He says "thank you sir." I say "you're welcome" and we chuckle. Lonny says "I love my legs being small." We laugh and May says "same, you guys are really tall." Andy says "long legs are inconvenient, you can't sit anywhere comfortably." I chuckle and Jack says "yeah, right? Lonny am I crushing your legs?" We chuckle and Lonny says "no" yawning. Jack starts driving and May says "how does Jack always end up driving?" I say "cause I'm tired and Jack being Jack would complain the whole time." Jack says "hey!" I say "you know its true" rolling his eyes. He mumbles "you're right" as he pulls onto the highway. A car swerves in front of us then back into the other lane and Jack yells "ZACK, STOP PLAYING FUCKING CHICKEN" groaning and hitting his head on the steering wheel. We laugh and I rub his back, chuckling.

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