A few weeks later
Alex's POV
I say "you coming with me?" Jack rolls over saying "hmm?" I chuckle, cuddling into him in bed. I say "you going to school today or are you going with me to my parents house?" He says "I have an option to get out of school?!" I nod, chuckling. Jack says "I'm just kidding, I'm coming with you in support" burying his face in my chest. I kiss him and he smiles, biting my lip. I smile,  mumbling "your hair is fluffy" and we chuckle. I straddle his hips, saying "you're so cute" running my hand through his hair. Jack smiles and I lean down to kiss him. He smiles, pecking my lips. I get out of bed and he says "come back" whining. I chuckle saying "no, you can come here." I go to the bathroom and I quickly shower and I let him in. I say "why aren't you ready yet" kissing him as I dry my hair. He says "I didn't want to yet" sitting on the sink counter. I drag my fingers down his chest and his stomach, biting my lip. I pull my hand away and I comb my hands through my hair, hoping my hair will dry quicker. Jack smiles, saying "I like your face" making me blush lightly. I finish drying my hair, looking at him saying "I love you." Jack says "I love you too" kissing me. I smile and he mumbles "hi, handsome" and I say "hi, babe" kissing him. I bite my lip saying "come on, babe" and we leave the bathroom. Were going to my moms house the day before my surgery so, were doing that today. He gets dressed and we leave our room to hear screaming as usual. I raise an eyebrow and its early on a school morning who knows who could be awake. I laugh saying "I think thats Andy." We laugh and half the guys come out and Rian says "what are you guys laughing at?" I say "Andy screaming" chuckling. Andy peeks out his door, glaring at us. I chuckle saying "you alright, buddy?" He pouts saying "no!" We laugh and Lonny says "he's fine" rolling his eyes. I say "well, we'll see you guys in a few days. I'd like to know my homework so someone keep track of it please." Rian says "you got it" and we say bye to everyone and we leave. Jack kisses my knuckles, saying "you nervous?" I mumble "a little" kissing him. We get to the first floor of the dorms and Jack goes up to the receptionist saying "can you sign us out for a couple days?" She says "Jack, how many days?" I say "like till Monday night." She says "ok, awesome. I wish you luck with whatever you're doing." I smile saying "thank you" and we go to Jacks car. I say "you're driving you know" making him pout and he gets in the driver side. He says "I know" kissing me. I get in the car and we start this dumb car ride to my moms house. I play with his fingers and Jack smiles. I mumble "you nervous?" He says "no" kissing my knuckles. I say "good cause I'm freaking out" and we chuckle.
A few hours later
We finally get to my moms house and I burst through the door saying "the fabulousness has entered the building." I hear my dad say "you're a dork!" Jack chuckles and I say "I know!" My mom hugs me saying "I thought I'd have to drag you here." I say "no, if anything I had to drag Jack here. He wouldn't get up." Jack says "hey!" I say "you wouldn't do shit this morning" rolling my eyes. My mom chuckles saying "come in, weirdos" rolling her eyes. I say "what is this giant box?" Dad says "open it." I say "is something going to come kill me?" Mom says "no" rolling her eyes. This box has to me like 8 feet tall and 7 feet wide. I say "this is a weird box. Wait, I remember this box!" I open the box and Josh and Oli say "surprise?" Josh says "thats what we agreed on, right?" I laugh saying "I knew you guys were going to be in this damned box." I shake Joshs shoulders saying "hi!" We laugh and he says "hi" doing the same to me. Oli says "you guys are weird." Josh says "ooo, he's cute, I'm leaving you Oli. I want that one." I say "you're keeping Oli" chuckling. Jack says "do I get a say in this?" I say "no, I get the only say in this." Oli says "I didn't agree to this!" We all laugh and Jack says "me either" shrugging. I say "you'll be fine, Jack" rolling my eyes. He says "no, I won't" falling dramatically to the floor. Mom says "stop kidding yourself, Jack" chuckling. Jack says "I won't survive" dramatically sighing. Josh and Oli laugh and Oli says "he seems like a handful." Jack pouts and I say "sometimes" chuckling. He glares at me and the guys laugh. I say "awww, poor Jack." He glares at me and Josh says "you're fucked now, Alex." I rub my forehead saying "I know." Oli says "and not in the way you want it" and Jack says "I was going to say that!" I say "shut up, both of you." Josh says "men are the worst" making us laugh. I say "you're telling me!" My dad says "you guys are so weird, do you know how long I have kept those 2 in a box without making out?" I say "ooo, rough. I wanna make out in the box." Mom says "no, shut up." We laugh and I say "but mom! I'm not going to get STDS!" Jack says "wrong, I have all of them." We laugh and I say "you're clean" rolling my eyes. He says "I know, I'm a virgin." I laugh saying "when are you going to give that up?" He says "never." The guys laugh and Josh says "I gotta go, Oli you're coming with me." I say "where you goin, buddy?" He says "my moms gonna scream at me, so I gotta be there for that" chuckling. I say "for her to scream at you yeah, you might want to be there." We laugh and they leave. My mom says "what do you guys want to eat?" I fall on the floor saying "I don't know." Jack says "I dunno" yawning. Mom says "fend for yourself then" chuckling. I say "k" biting my lip. Jack lays on his back on my back. I say "ow" and he pokes my side. I say "why are you laying on me?" Jack says "cause I want to" and he rolls off me, me standing up. I say "come on, lets go" and we go upstairs.

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