Alex's POV
The next morning
Jack puts his arm around me and I mumble "morning." He kisses my forehead, mumbling "morning, handsome" kissing me. I bite his lip, wrapping my arms around him. My dad knocks, saying "I'm going to work, I hope your thing today goes well." I smile saying "ok, thank you." He says "you're welcome, kiddo" and he walks away. I always keep my door shut and locked thats why he knocked and didn't come in. I straddle Jacks hips, biting my lip. He traces his thumb over my bottom lip, resting his hand on my cheek. I kiss his thumb and he chuckles, mumbling "I love you, handsome." I rest my hand on his stomach saying "I love you too" biting my lip. He runs his hand over my chest mumbling "I'm gonna miss these" making me chuckle. I say "have your fun, baby" chuckling, kissing his knuckles. Jack mumbles "come here" doing grabby hands at me. I lay down next to him and he rests his head on my chest. I smile saying "you're so cute" running my hand through his hair. He gently kisses my chest through my sports bra. My mom knocks saying "you aren't allowed to take meds, drink or eat anything." I say "what about T tonight or am I not allowed to do that either?" She says "I think so, the doctor will go over it with you later I'm sure." I say "ok" my mom walking away. Jack leans up to kiss me, smiling. He just kisses my chest, just giving my boobs all the attention. I don't know how much I like this but this is Jack and I love him so it doesn't matter what he's doing to me right now. I run my fingers through Jacks hair, kissing his forehead. I bite my lip, smiling. He says "I love you" him kissing me. I mumble "I love you too" kissing his forehead. He cuddles into me and we talk for a little while.
I groan saying "I'm hungry." Mom says "you can eat after" as she pulls into the parking lot of the hospital. I say "fine" crossing my arms. Jack chuckles, mumbling "you'll be fine" and we unbuckle our seatbelts and go inside the hospital. Jack pulls his phone out and starts taking video of me weirdly. He says "you're so cute today, Alex? Who are wearing?" I say "your mom." We laugh and he stops taking the video. My mom says "you guys are weird, how do you deal with each other?" I say "we don't." We go to a waiting room and I lean against Jack. He mumbles "you nervous?" I mumble " think its setting in now so a little bit" and he kisses my forehead. I rest my head on his shoulder, shutting my eyes. I open my eyes when someone comes in, saying "Alex?" I stand up and Jack and my mom following me and this nurse. She says "have you eaten today or drank anything?" I say "no, I haven't." She says "perfect" and she brings me into a pre surgery room. The beds are here it basically where they bring you before they bring you to the operating room. I lay on the bed that she tells me to lay on and she takes my vitals. I look at Jack and he says "what?" I say "I don't know" and we both laugh. She says "someones going to come give you an IV and then we'll get you talking to people, and we'll get started, ok?" I nod and she leaves. I make a weird face at Jack and he chuckles. I reach out and poke him and he says "stop, thats weird." I say "no" poking him again. He rolls his eyes and I smile at him. He rolls his eyes and I wave at him. He smiles saying "hi" waving back. We laugh and I say "I'm hungry." Jack says "mmm, me too." I say "you can eat I can't, asshole" rolling my eyes. Jack says "I know but I'm waiting cause I'm nice." I smile saying "ok." Mom says "I'm not waiting." I say "rude" and Jack ruffles my hair. My surgeon comes in and he says "hey, dude, whats up?" I say "the ceiling." He chuckles saying "you seem dead, how are you?" I say "I'm good, I'm hungry, I'm tired, ya know, all the good stuff." He nods saying "thats good, then you'll be falling right to sleep today." I say "good, then I'm gonna sleep some more." We chuckle and he says "so, no food, no water, no medication, right?" I nod and he says "I see you are scheduled to take testosterone tonight, yes, you can take that, we'll see how you are doing after Anesthesia and I let you know if you can do it to yourself. You'll be a little loopy after, were going to do it through an IV, the girl thats going to do it is really nice, and shes the anesthesiologist so she'll tell you about everything that she does. I'll be back after that, ok?" I nod and he says "awesome" and leaves. A few minutes later a woman comes in saying "hi!" I say "hi" and she says "hows it going?" I say "its going alright I think" and she chuckles. She says "I heard you changed schools, hows that going?" I say "its good, my roommates really annoying though" as she feels my arm for a vein. She says "do you have a preference for where this goes?" I say "no." She says "how is this roommate annoying? Spill." I chuckle saying "he doesn't leave me alone" looking at Jack. Jack says "you don't leave me alone either" rolling his eyes. Mom says "shut up both of you, you love each other." The woman chuckles saying "he's your roommate?" I say "yeah, nothing more nothing less." Jack glares at me saying "you're so mean to me." She puts the tourniquet on my arm, chuckling. I say "he's my boyfriend" rolling my eyes. Mom says "you both don't shut up. Don't blame Jack." I say "but mom, I wanna blame Jack." The anesthesiologist chuckles, using alcohol swabs to clean my arm. She says "have you had an IV before?" I say "yeah, a couple times." She says "then this might hurt a little, don't tense cause it'll hurt more if you do this, and don't flinch cause then ill feel really bad if I hurt you a lot." I say "ok" and she inserts the needle into my arm. I look at Jack saying "ouch" making a weird face. He says "ouch" making a weird face at me. I say "shut up" rolling my eyes. I play with his fingers with my free hand and he says "you alright?" I say "I think so" yawning. The anesthesiologist says "I have to go get the IV bag and the surgeon will be back then we'll get right into it. How are you feeling about this?" I say "nervous but really excited." She says "don't be nervous, you'll be out and then you'll be awake and loopy, it'll feel like 2 seconds for you." I say "ok" and my mom says "how long will it be?" The woman says "about 1-2 hours." My mom nods and the anesthesiologist claps her hands together saying "I'll be back" and leaves.

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