Alex's POV
Jacks alarm goes off and we both groan. I bite my lip and he straddles me. I groan quietly, mumbling "hi" kissing him. He bites my lip and lays back down next to me. I mumble "we have to leave in like 20 minutes." He groans, getting up. He says "come on, get up" and he gets dressed. I mumble "fine" getting up and I say "what should I wear?" Jack mumbles "anything you want" hugging me from behind. He kisses me and I say "you sure?" He nods then bites my lip. I chuckle and Jack says "the bandaging is starting to come off" looking down at my chest. I mumble "yeah" and we go into the bathroom. I say "I didn't notice it was coming off" and he smiles, leaning against the wall. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and takes a video saying "whats happening now, Alex?" I laugh saying "taking the bandaging off cause it's coming off." He smiles and I say "I'm nervous but I'm really excited." I slowly start peeling the tape up carefully. I say "oww, this tape really hurts." We chuckle and I say "glad I don't have any hair or this would be even worse to peel off." We laugh and I peel it completely off. I bite my lip, tears coming to my eyes. Jack chuckles saying "awww, are you crying?" I nod saying "I'm so happy" crying. I smile, fanning my eyes. I say "you can barely see it too" and he smiles, nodding. He says "what do you think?" I say "its really good" still crying a little bit. I bite my lip and he turns the camera off. I kiss Jack, him mumbling "I love you." I mumble "I love you too" and I shower very quickly, then drying my hair. I smile as Jack sits on the sink counter. He smiles, kissing me. I smile saying "I love you." He says "I love you too" kissing me. I finish drying my hair and I put a beanie on then I put a flannel on. I hear a knock on the door and someone scan their card. I hear a yawn and May say "can we get coffee before we go to the house?" Jack says "sure, I want one, it'll keep me sane during this." We chuckle and Jack says "wait, May, what are you wearing?! Do you know how much our grandmother is going to call you a slut?!" May says "damnit, do you have a flannel?" I give her a flannel and Jack says "how many flannels do you own, Alex?" I say "like 7" chuckling. We laugh and we go to the car, May sitting in the middle back seat. She says "give me the aux." Jack says "something good please" giving her the aux. May says "cause I'm gonna play Ariana Grande or something" rolling her eyes. Jack starts driving and May starts playing Basket Case by Green Day. She says "I have to do my makeup or grandmas going to be like you have to wear make up all the time. I love make up except for when I should or have to wear it. Shes literally stuck in the fucking 50's." I say "ughgh, great." Jack gets us coffee and May says "thank you, Jack!" Jack rolls his eyes saying "you're welcome." I say "thank you, babe." He says "you're welcome" and starts driving again. May says "lets mix it up a bit" and plays Umbrella by Rihanna. After a little while of driving May and I are really starting to get into the music. We sing as much of the songs she picks as we can. Jack smiles at me and I say "what?" He says "you're cute." I smile, blushing. We get to their house and Jack kisses me, then gets out of the car. May says "ugh, here we go boys." We chuckle and Jack says "mhmm" rolling his eyes. We go inside and Jack quickly kisses me as he shuts the door behind us. I squeeze his hand and his mom comes into the hallway and quietly says "don't listen to anything my mom says, Alex, ok?" I nod and I say "ok" quietly. She smiles saying "I'll keep her off your back for you." I chuckle saying "ok" and a girl runs and jumps on Jack saying "Jacky!" Jack chuckles saying "hi!" She says "hi! Who's this? He's cuter than the last one!" Jack says "I know right? He's nicer too" rolling his eyes. The girl says "I don't know!" I laugh and Jack puts her down. I crouch down and she sticks her hand out in front of me saying "I'm Laney, nice to meet you." I say "nice to meet you too, I'm Alex" shaking her small hand. She then turns around running into the kitchen saying "mom, mom! I made a friend!" May mumbles "she doesn't even say hi to me? Rude." We laugh and walk into the kitchen to several woman drinking coffee and talking about different things happen at wherever they work. Her mom turns around and she says "well, are you going to introduce me?" Laney nods and grabs my hand, and pulls me over to her mom. Laney says "Alex, this is my mom and mom this is my friend Alex." Her mom shakes my hand saying "I'm Lana" and I smile saying "I'm Alex." May says "who said Alex was your friend, Laney?" Laney says "me" crossing her arms. May mirrors her and raises an eyebrow. The woman watch us, chuckling. Jack comes in saying "he's mine, chill out" rolling his eyes. Lana says "the boy is here" and everyone cheers. Jack says "I'm always here" chuckling. Jack says "he was my friend first" crossing his arms. I say "who said I have any friends?" The adults chuckle and May says "if you don't have any friends then, ughhghh, Jack, you win." He says "hah, suckersssss." We laugh and I say "but who said I had a boyfriend?" Jack says "damnit, I'm out." I say "you guys are so weird. Laneys my favorite." Joyce says "she might be my favorite too." Jack says "we've been over this, I'm your favorite." I chuckle and Joyce says "I never agreed to that." Jack says "ugh, fine" rolling his eyes. Joyce says "I fired someone this week, chill out, Jacky boy." Jack says "I was up for like 3 days straight, no sleep" hugging me from behind. I say "why were you up for 3 days straight?" He mumbles "I was worried about you" kissing my cheek. Everyone awwws and I say "I was drugged up, I was fine." He says "I know but I was worried" kissing my cheek. Lana says "why did you fire someone?! Spill!" All the women nod and Joyce says "she was being transphobic, misnaming, and everything. Gave detention for swearing once and they're seniors, it was dumb" sipping her coffee. One of the women says "poor kid, can't imagine going through that." Jack says "was this you?" I say "what do you think?" He groans saying "everything happens to you, Alex. I didn't get to whack a teacher either!" Joyce says "no, Jack cause then I'd have to do the job of giving you detention" rolling her eyes.

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