Alex's POV
I walk into my first class and mumble "I hope my name got changed on that damned list that shes going to read." I'm ready to be out now cause if I'm not and she reads that and my name isn't changed I'm fucking myself over. I'm alone in this class by my damned fucking self. No friends, no Jack, ok, I'm not going to call him my friend, we've made out more than "friends" would. I look down, biting my lip. Then I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms. I mumble "I hate this." I bite my lip, bouncing my knee. The teacher walks in and paces back and forth, looking at everyone like a drill Sargent. She is not helping my anxiety. At all. She says "if I say your name wrong let me know, if you have a nickname you'd prefer, let me know. Ok?" Everyone nods and she reads off names. She says "Ashlyn?" I flinch saying "its Alex please" quietly. She nods saying "why weren't you in my class yesterday?" I say "I was sick." She nods and carries on reading names. I'm out, great. I was trying to keep it on a down low but I don't have to tell people shit. I bite my lip and the teacher says "alright, umm, since you're new, Alex, do you want to tell the class about yourself?" oh why not? Just do it I guess, right? I shrug saying "sure, what do you wanna know?" She says "everyone did this at the beginning of the year, stand at the front of the class, say your name, why you moved schools, favorite musician, where you're from, and favorite color." I walk to the front of the class and I say "I'm Alexander William Gaskarth, not legally though. Please call me Alex though. Hmm, I got expelled because I decided to yell at a teacher because I was mad, I'm from Essex, England, yes, my accent left several years ago, moved when I was 7. My favorite musician is probably Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Green Day, and Nirvana, and my favorite color is, ya know what? I don't have one" shrugging and sitting down. I mumble "fuck colors" rolling my eyes. The guy next to me chuckles, making me chuckle. He's cute but he's fuck boy cute. He's the fuck boy nice guy, I know how that is. Jacks like that and I make myself chuckle. I'll call him thirst trap until I learn his name. He's definition of a thirst trap you find on Instagram that's somehow verified but no one knows exactly why. Hot but not too hot. You know what I mean. He says "I'm Caden. Hit me up sometime, pretty boy. My dorm is 918" winking at me. I raise an eyebrow at him, smirking. No one expects mr. popular to be gay so he's probably going to pull the "don't out me" but why would I do this? I got a boy already. I'm loyal, not a slut, had that done to me before, not doing it to someone else. He smirks saying "that a yes?" He leans back in his chair cockily, staring at me. Why not mess with him a little? I do the same and I say "I don't know, is it a yes?" He says "well, it wasn't a no." I say "I didn't ask you that, I asked if it was a yes first." He says "well, what is it if its not a yes or a no?" I shrug saying "what do you want from me?" The teacher is just letting us talk after she finished talking. I bite my lip and he says "what do you want from me?" I say "I asked you first" smirking. Caden says "you know what I want from you." I smirk saying "maybe I do." He's not my kind of hot though, he's hot but he doesn't seem interesting, bland as fuck. My phone vibrates and I look at it.
May: wanna go out for lunch with me?
I jokingly text back:
Me: are you asking me out?
May: lol, do you?
Me: sure, lets do it
May: perfect, yeah
Caden says "got a girlfriend?" I say "so heteronormative." He's so far in the closet he sees fucking George Washington. He says "boyfriends I need to beat up?" I say "nope, I got neither." Caden says "surprised that you aren't dating anyone." Someone says "Caden, stop hitting on the guy. He doesn't want you in his pants" rolling his eyes. Caden says "but I want tooooooooo." I chuckle, they totally have a thing for each other, I can see it in both their eyes. Who knew the fuck boys loved each other. I smirk saying "I would just make out with him if I were you, I'm not worth your time" gesturing to the guy he was talking to. Th girl on my other side mumbles "they're fucking but they pretend they aren't. Many don't not notice but let let me tell you, the gays do." I laugh, mumbling "I didn't notice, probably cause I haven't met them like together." We chuckle and the bell rings. I bite my lip and someone grabs my hand, spinning me in a circle, saying "hi, handsome" I blush saying "hi" moving away from him. Jack says "how are you?" I bite my lip saying "good" looking down. I hear someone lean against the lockers saying "whats Jack got that I don't?" I say "you don't want me, you want the other guy, don't bullshit yourself. Its not good for you." He quietly says "maybe you're right" walking off. I look up at Jack and I say "hi." He says "hi, handsome" and I blush. Jack mumbles "what did you do to him?" I mumble "nothing, he just realized something" shrugging and squeezing his hand. I bite my lip and I say "I gotta go." He says "no." I say "yeah." He glares at me and I say "what?" He says "nothing" still glaring at me. I kiss his cheek softly and walk to class. Someone puts their arm around my shoulder saying "how is it so far?" I say "good, Zack. You?" He says "as busy as I could be this morning." He takes his arm from around my shoulder and I say "what have you been doing?" Zack says "the coach for whatever the hell was like hey, I need everyone up at 3 in the morning and do a bunch of drills. Then he told us what to do then left. Then we all knew he'd figure stuff out if we didn't do anything so we did a lot of drills until about an hour ago so half the dudes at this damn school are dead. Oh yeah, there an assembly today." I chuckle saying "so, rough day already? Mine definitely doesn't add up to yours but I had to introduce myself to the class and she dead named me." Zack says "that sucks. If you go to the front office they will change your name on the list." I say "I might do that, I just thought it would be changed so it scared me a bit earlier" as we walk into class together.

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