Alex's POV
Jack says "Rian, what did you want from me?" Rian says "just wanted to make sure you weren't being a hermit." Jack says "so, no reason at all?" Rian says "yup!" Jack says "Rian, I will choke you to fucking death." I chuckle and Jack says "I want to be a hermit!" Rian says "you should show Alex around at least once though, JB. You can be a hermit but do that at some point." He nods saying "can I do that in the morning? I'm tired." Rian says "yup, you got it. Ill see you around Alex. You're cool" walking away. Jack and I walk back to our room and I flop on the bed saying "owww!" Jack says "you ok?" I groan mumbling "no." He says "what happened?" I say "ribs" going to touch my side and I flinch as soon as I do. Jack says "let me see it." He sits next to me on the bed and I say "why?" he says "cause I want to" pouting. I say "its just my binder" making the same face at him. He looks down saying "you're hurting yourself, please take it off." I blush and I say "I don't want to." He says "please?" I mumble "I probably should, shouldn't I?" He nods and I get up, grab a big sweatshirt, and go to the bathroom to pull this thing off. I groan mumbling "that does not feel nice at all" trying to pull it off. I finally finish taking it off and I mumble "hate it hate it hate it but it feels so good" looking at my ribs. I just have bruises up and down my sides that are dark. I take a couple pictures of them and send them to my mom saying:
Me: is this bad?
Mom: uh yes! Those are really dark! Find some ice or something!
Me: I'm gonna take some pain meds and just lay around
I put on a sports bra trying not to murder my sides then I put on a sweatshirt, rolling the sleeves up. I mumble "I don't like this" rolling my eyes and going to lay on my bed. I take Tylenol and Jack mumbles "feel better?" I say "yeah" yawning. I mumble "oww" gently rubbing my sides. I bite my lip and I say "I'm sorry you have to be here with me dealing with me whine about my problems." Jack says "its ok, I wish I could do something for you to make the pain stop" making me blush. I say "you're doing fine, I just hate bothering people" crossing my arms and closing my eyes. He says "you aren't bothering me." I mumble "you sure?" Jack nods saying "I'm sure" looking over at me. I bite my lip and theres a knock on the door. Jack says "I'll get it." He opens the door and a woman says "is Alex here?" Jack says "he's showering, whatever you have for him I can pass it along." The woman says "Jack, don't open it but can you give this to him?" Jack says "I'm not going to open it! I can give this to him. What is it?" The woman says "Jack, you know I can't tell you that." Jack says "just seeing if you'd tell me." The woman says "I'll see you, Jack." Jack says "later" shutting the door. He hands me this giant envelope and I say "why'd you lie for me?" He says "cause if I said anything but that she would've wanted to talk to you and I know you wouldn't be comfortable with that" looking down. I smile saying "thank you, I really appreciate it" looking away from him. He says "you're welcome" and I open the envelope. I say "what do you think it is?" Jack says "schedule, your email info, where to pick up your laptop, and probably all the rules of the school." I groan saying "I can do this in the morning right?" He nods saying "yeah, you can." I look at everything and Jack was right about whats in the envelope. I say "I'm tired I could sleep" putting the envelope on the floor. Jack says "then sleep" shrugging. I laugh, shutting my light off, not even covering my self up, and falling asleep.
The next day
I yawn mumbling "what day is it?" Jack mumbles "Sunday I think." I mumble "gross" grabbing my phone. He chuckles tiredly and I slowly sit up. I groan mumbling "I don't want to get up." Jack says "then don't." I say "but I have to go the bathroom" and we laugh. I say "I might cry" laughing. I say "I'm kidding." I sit up saying "I don't wanna!" Jack chuckles and I go to the bathroom. I lay back on my bed mumbling "what am I supposed to do today?" Jack says "well, I can show you around but you don't have to do anything else. We can do many things but we don't really have to do anything else." I say "give me a little bit then you can show me around" yawning. Jack nods and says "yup, I'm gonna lay here for a little bit. You said you were from Essex, how is it different compared to here?" I say "lots more swearing, everyone here is so nice compared to people there" chuckling. Jack chuckles saying "hmmm." I say "everyones so quiet here too, I think people just likes to yell at each other there" laughing. Jack says "did you move here or like do your parents live there or something?" I say "no, I moved here when I was 7 and I went back a few years ago." Jack says "thats so cool!" I chuckle and I say "its a lot more boring there than you think." Jack says "well, you say that cause you've lived there before. A lot of out of state people come here to vacation but I would never vacation here cause I've lived here my whole life. One of those things." I say "you have a point" shrugging. Jack says "sometimes" chuckling. I say "it happens" him saying "what can you do?" We laugh and I get out of bed.

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