I just noticed that jacks parents have been inconsistently talked about. Were going to change that though, they're nice people not homophobic, I just realized this I'm sorry to the people reading.
Alex's POV
This teacher takes attendance with their laptop, hopefully my name is changed. I haven't had this teacher yet since I've been here. I mumble "I hate this" tapping my fingers. Lonny shyly says "what do you hate?" I say "I'll tell you later." He smiles saying "ok, this school seems insane, how long have you been here?" I say "about a week, not gonna lie." We both chuckle quietly and the teacher comes in. A girl groans in front of me mumbling "I hate her, I might just commit a fucking murder." The teacher does attendance on paper today, great. She starts reading off names and the says "Ashlyn?" I say "its Alex, please." She says "says who?" I regain my confidence saying "me, thats who" crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. She says "what names on your birth certificate?" I roll my eyes saying "I don't think that matters to you. I don't need to tell you shit." She says "detention for swearing. Its Ashlyn therefore thats your name." Oh, did I mention Andy and Zack are in this class too? Andy says "yo, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" The teacher says "you have detention too." Andy says "alright, this is fucking dumb" and the teacher says "if you don't stop I will call the principal." Andy goes wide eyed and I wink at him saying "do it." Andy mumbles "what the hell, man?" I mumble "I got a plan that there is a 99% chance it'll work." The teacher says "I'll do it right now" calling the principal. Oh, I'm so fucking scared. Just kidding! I'm not scared, this teacher should be the scared one. Jacks mom comes in saying "what's going on?" The teacher says "I gave these 2 detention for swearing can you talk to them?" Mrs. Barakat raises an eyebrow, saying "sure I can" and Andy follows me out of the room. She says "why are you getting detention, Alex?" I say "I swore twice defending myself! He was defending me and now we both have detention" crossing my arms. She says "what were you defending yourself from?" I say "so, we changed my name on the thing, right? It didn't go through to the paper attendance sheets yet, which is fine but she kept dead naming me after I corrected her! Its dumb." She says "thats so dumb! I'm so sorry that happened! You guys don't have detention, I'll talk to her about it ok? I'll always believe you over the staff here, Alex. I like you a bit to much not to." I chuckle saying "thanks." Jacks mom says "you guys can have a free period, I'm sure you need a break from that teacher" chuckling. I say "thank you" and she walks away. We walk the opposite way and Andy says "how the hell did you do that?" I say "thats May and Jacks mom. She really likes me for some reason" chuckling. He chuckles saying "I was genuinely curious if you like fucked or something to get us out of class completely." I chuckle saying "no, that would be weird." He says "hey, to get out of class anytime I want. I would do it." We laugh and Andy says "I'm kidding" and we laugh. I say "by the way, I told you my plan would work." He says "whatever" laughing. I say "how'd you like being on the top floor?" He chuckles saying "you guys are crazy" making me laugh. I say "you get used to it. It took me a few days." We chuckle and Andy says "you've been here for like a week? I don't believe that." I say "yup, its been a week. The whole top floor are best friends so they like to scream at each other." Andy says "I'm gonna have to get used to this I guess." I say "you will no matter how much you don't want to" laughing. Andy says "oh I'm sure" making us chuckle. Andy says "those girls are staring at us, what do we do?" I say "I don't know! You're the alpha male here!" He says "I don't know either!" Andy smiles at them and they all giggle. I say "they really like you" chuckling. Andy says "I get this everywhere, I'm surprised a guy hasn't punched me yet because his girl is looking at me." I chuckle saying "everyone will be flirting with you here if they like you." He says "great" and we laugh. All the girls come over and one of them say "hey Alex, who's pretty boy?" One of them say "can I have him?" The girls are all arguing over him. I chuckle and Andy says "I'm dating someone else." All of the girls smile and one of them say "I'll treat you better." Andy chuckles saying "I don't know how possible that is." I say "I want to meet this significant other of yours" and we walk away. He says "thank you for that." I say "you're welcome. You don't have to tell me shit about who this person is. Just trying to get you out of that." He says "thank you, I'm really socially awkward" chuckling. I say "I can tell, you alright?" He says "yup, I'm ok" and we keep walking around. The bell rings and I groan mumbling "whyyyyy?" Andy says "you poor thing" chuckling. We spot Lonny and Andy mumbles "watch this" and walks up behind Lonny, grabbing his hips quickly. I swear he squeaks, sinking to the ground. Lonny says "stop doing that!" Andy laughs saying "no!" A girl helps him up saying "you ok?" Lonny says "yeah" glaring at Andy. Jack stands next to me saying "whats happening?" I say "I think that girl is flirting with Lonny and Andy really wants to kill her it looks like." He says "got it" nodding. All that girls friends stand around her just smiling and flirting with Lonny. I chuckle and Andy isn't having it at all. Jack smiles saying "he's so done." I say "mhmm, he won't punch them will he?" Jack says "they're too nice." I nod saying "mhm, true but I don't know." We chuckle and one of the girls say "Lonny, will you go out with me?!" Lonny shakes his head, saying "no" and Andy says "sorry ladies, he's dating someone else." One of the girls say "I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Andy says "well, they do" walking away, Lonny following him, smirking. Andy randomly screams saying "ughhgh." Lonny smirks, saying "jealous?" Andy says "no, just mad." A girl grabs Jacks arm saying "here's my number, you should call me later." Caden comes over saying "what the hell are these girls doing to you guys?!" The girls immediately leave and Caden winks at me saying "see you around, pretty boy." Jack throws her number in the trash, knowing she just wants sex. Jack says "he might be flirting with you but I like that guy." We laugh and Lonny says "why do girls want us they're normally scared of us?" Andy says "cause they haven't heard our band yet." Jack says "why not scare them then? there's going to be a talent show next week, don't tell anyone I told you cause its not final yet." Lonny says "how do you know this then?" Jack says "I get around" and we chuckle.

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