Alex's POV
Zack says "warning, all the girls like to hit on this teacher. He clearly was a football jock that was a womanizer in high school and college." I chuckle and Zack mumbles "he's cool though, I think he's gay but you can be the judge of that." I laugh mumbling "womanizer to gay, love that." Zack mumbles "maybe he met a girl that turned him." I laugh saying "I'm crying" wiping tears from my eyes. I mumble "just gets ptsd from dating a girl." We laugh and the teacher walks in and all the girls practically swoon. I chuckle quietly when I see some guys roll their eyes. I mumble "he's gay, don't get it twisted folks" and Zack and I chuckle. The teacher says "how is everyone?" One of the girls say "really good, I went to the beach." This teacher is dressed like fucking edgy James Dean, he has aviators too. He's certainly cool guy, definitely was a womanizer though. He's definitely gay though. Zack says "told you" quietly. The teacher says "what did everyone do?" Kellin says "played a gig with my band this weekend." The teacher says "your band is sick. You're killing it." Kellin says "thank you, we try" chuckling. The teacher says "honestly, I don't think you'd even have to" chuckling. I mumble "no fair, I was horny and sad." Zack and I burst out laughing. The teacher says "you, you're new, right? Or do I just not pay attention?" I say "I'm new, yeah" chuckling. He says "awesome, I know everyone hates it but I gotta take attendance" and everyone groans. I mumble "you're telling me" and Zack runs my back saying "you poor thing." I mumble "mhmm." the teacher says "oh get over yourselves, you'll do fine." Kellin moves to sit next to me saying "hey, buddy!" I scream then I say "you scared me. Hi." The teacher says "you alright, love?" I give him a thumbs up saying " I think so." Oh, did I mention this teacher has a slight British accent? I see why the girls like him. He starts reading off names and he says "Ashlyn." I say "its Alex" and he nods, fixing the name on the sheet. The teacher says "do you want to introduce yourself, Alex?" I say "sure I guess?" He chuckles saying "do it however you want." I say "hi, I'm Alexander William Gaskarth but please call me Alex." The teacher says "lovely. Ok" and a girl says "awww, he's so cute." I smile and another girl says "omg, can we be friends?" I say "sure?" Jack leans against the doorway of the class and the teacher says "sup, Jacky boy?" Jack says "whats down, dude?" The teacher says "your wife." Jack says "you're mom. Can I take someone from your class?" The teacher says "you win, who you taking from me?" Jack says "I'm taking the new one." I say "I have a name ya know" rolling my eyes. The teacher says "I wanted to keep him though!" One of the girls says "I wanna keep him." Jack says "no" and I mumble "I'm out, guys. Cya later." Zack and Kellin chuckle and Jack pulls me out of the room saying "you're helping me." I say "with what?" He says "I don't know" shrugging. Jack pulls me into a bathroom and kisses me. I mumble "is this all you wanted from me?" I chuckle and he says "no, I just thought I'd drag you to help with assembly prep. Meet a few teachers, some people, some chairs." I laugh saying "I'm meeting chairs?" He says "yes" kissing me and we go to the bigger gym. We go in and I specifically go up to a chair saying "hi, I'm Alex, nice to meet you, whats your name?" Jack bursts out laughing and what looks like the gym teacher says "Jack, what are you doing?" Jack says "nothing" and I pretend to make conversation with the chair making Jack laugh more. I stand up as if nothing was happening and the gym teacher says "who's this guy, Jack?" I say "I'm Alex." The teacher says "you doing PE this year?" I say "next semester." He nods saying "awesome." Jack mumbles "do you know how many PE credits you have cause you wont have to do it if you have enough?" I say "I don't have enough, I'm short by like half a credit" chuckling. He says "that sucks." I nod saying "just gonna wait till next semester." Someone from across the gym says "yo, Jack stop flirting and tell us what the fuck were doing?" A teacher says "language" tiredly and Jack says "I'm not flirting" rolling his eyes and walks over. I lean against the wall and Jack says "you're talking about the sport or club you were told to talk about. What you do, whats the message, who's the teacher for that group, and when you meet. Got it?!" I chuckle mumbling "so angry." Jack says "listen, shut the fuck up." I say "no you shut the fuck up" laughing. One of the girls say "he's cute, Jack. Don't tell him to shut up." Jack chuckles saying "whatever. So, everyone know what they are doing?" They all look at each other and nod. Jack says "perfect." A teacher says "lets get this show on the road then, Jack you're last as usual. We're going to do an intro about news letter and everything, you guys about clubs and sports, then Jack will cover anything you didn't, got it?" They nod stiffly and the teacher does more stuff to set up. Jack comes up to me saying "I'm warning you now, during an assembly its my job to make everyone laugh and make myself look like a dumb ass." I chuckle saying "ok, I need to know this because?" He says "just thought I'd warn you" shrugging. I say "I feel warned" rolling my eyes. We laugh and people start coming in and Jack mumbles "you can be anywhere, people here just kind of stand around or sit depending on what they want to do" then he walks away. Rian comes and stands next to me saying "sup." I say "sup, how does this work?" He says "teachers and principals talk, students talk about whats happening in their clubs, then Jack acts like a dumbass talking about the rest of the clubs because no one wants to talk about them." I say "ok, how long is this?" Rian says "an hour or 2 sometimes 3." I chuckle saying "ugh" and we sit on the ground against the wall. Rian says "did you meet the history teacher yet?" I say "yeah, I did" laughing. Rian says "he's gay, whats your opinion?" I say "he is, clearly, he completely ignores the girls hitting on him during class it was funny. I bet he wears sunglasses because he is constantly rolling his eyes" making us both chuckle.

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