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I have several ideas right now but this is going to have a sequel when I finish this. It probably wont be as long as this but its going to be several chapters.
Alex's POV
Jack knocks on the door like an idiot and I chuckle saying "thats not going to work" and I hear Oli say "password?" Jack says "hmm, is it fuck?" Oli says "no." I say "good god, is it still Ashlyn is a pretty fucking princess?" Oli says "no, try again." I say "is it Josh is the sexiest boy?" We laugh and Oli says "no." I say "I'm cold, let me in or I'm not buying you food, Oliver." Josh says "its the first ever password." I say "oh, password123." Oli says "you're in" letting us in. Lonny says "why do you guys have a password?" I say "all of us being paranoid, we have a password, it changes every few times but we haven't had to use it for a while so you never know." We laugh and Oli says "those passwords are dated." Josh says "I'm the sexiest boy, thats a good password." We laugh and I say "right? They normally come from past conversations, most of the passwords are inside jokes" chuckling. I lay on the couch saying "I missed this couch." Josh says "I just like to sleep on your couch." We laugh and I say "you don't understand, many things have happened on this couch. Nothing weird I promise but this is the couch of my childhood." Andy says "what's happened on this couch?" I say "so many things, I came out on this couch, both times, I had my first kiss on this couch, Oli and I were tried to figure out American slang on this couch, that was funny, I introduced those weirdos to each other on this couch, and hmmm, what else?" Oli says "hmmm, oh, I came out to you on this couch, we ate 100 chicken nuggets on this couch and almost threw up on each other." Josh says "we had our first drink together and almost died on this couch" laughing. We laugh and I say "I forgot about that! We were dumb. We tried to see who could deep throat my phone the farthest" laughing. Josh says "what were we doing then?" I laugh and Oli says "no clue" and Jack says "but who won that one?" I laugh saying "Josh. I'm surprised we didn't give each other STDS by the time we were 15." Oli says "we were strange" chuckling. I nod and Oli says "I had my first blowjob on this couch, don't tell Josh though or Alex." Josh says "you what?" I laugh saying "you're a weirdo, you really think I don't know that, you really don't remember shit, Oliver." We laugh and Oli says "I'm kidding." Josh says "why didn't I know this?" I chuckle saying "I don't know, it was a few years ago." Rian says "story time?" Everyone nods and I say "long story short, we were bored at age 14, what do you do then?" We laugh and Oli says "were strange." I nod saying "mhmm" and Josh says "you are, both of you weirdos" chuckling. Jack sits on my back saying "hmm, I think I like this couch too" and I say "go away" making us laugh. He moves so I can sit up. He kisses me and we all sit around in the living room. I say "what are we doing?" Josh says "sleeping" falling on top of me. I groan saying "great" making Josh chuckle. Jack says "you alright?" I nod and we chuckle. I say "what should we do?" Andy says "I was planning on sleeping all day." We all chuckle and Jack says "me too." Andy says "I'm cold." Lonny says "how are you cold? Its nice." Andy says "no it isn't! Damn Canadian." Lonny says "you're from Cincinnati, you know what cold is." We chuckle and Rian says "just wait till you feel like you're dying in the heat of August in Maryland." Jack says "mmm, sweating all summer." I say "I get the cold thing, I'm from Essex. Its only cold in England." We chuckle and Jack says "that means you're going to be a sweaty boy too then." I say "no, I'm used to the heat, I've been here for almost 11 years" yawning. Jack kisses my forehead saying "you're a small one." I says "shut up, no I'm not" crossing my arms. We all chuckle and Jack says "hmm" rubbing my side and messing with my fingers.  I lay my head in his lap and he moves his hand up to my hair. I smile and I say "what now?" We all mess around for a little bit and we start playing board games and drinking got chocolate as it starts to snow. Ya know what? Going to that dreaded school wasn't bad after all.
I'm sorry this last chapter is so short I'm just so excited about the sequel that I cant think of anything else to write lol. I'm sorry but I'll see everyone in the next one.

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