Alex's POV
Jack gets back from class, sitting in front of me on the bed, and resting his head on my chest. I mumble "hi, can you move your head to my shoulder or something?" He mumbles "hi, handsome, I really like your boobs though." I laugh saying "I really don't like them though" and he moves his head to my shoulder. He kisses my neck and I mumble "you doing ok?" He nods saying "I have to do an assembly tomorrow." I mumble "how long are those normally?" He mumbles "like 3 hours, most of it is me talking for different things though" kissing my neck. I say "I have to sit there for 3 hours? You're absolutely fucking kidding." Jack says "no, I'm not. It sucks." I say "I might die" chuckling. He mumbles "no you won't" kissing my cheek. I mumble "yeah, I might" running my hand through his hair. He says "I don't know" making me chuckle. He kisses me softly and he mumbles "how have you been doing?" I mumble "good, bored, horny, I ate a lot of food a little while ago though" biting his lip. Jack mumbles "how much food?" I say "the rest of that pizza and your sister and I were hanging out and ate like 50 dollars worth of Italian food" chuckling. He mumbles "mmmm, yummy" wrapping his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck and he smiles, rubbing my back. I smile, running my hand through his hair. I say "do you know what you are going to talk about tomorrow?" He nods saying "its always similar but yeah, I know what I'm doing" yawning. He mumbles "I have to go back today, I forgot." I nod saying "I'm bored but suffering at the same time. I should shower." He says "thats ok, if I was you I'd sleep or walk around the building pretending to be Dracula or something." I blush mumbling "yeah, can I ask you something weird?" He says "sure" kissing my neck. I mumble "can you get me off before you go back, please?" I blush and Jack mumbles "sure" and his phone rings. He says "hello? Yup, I'll be there. Can I be there in like 20 minutes? No, now? Fine, I'll be there" groaning. I pout and he kisses my forehead. Jack says "15 minutes? 10 minutes? Ok, fine. I'll be there" hanging up. He groans, kissing me. He mumbles "do you wanna go with me?" I say "no, I'm hornyyyyyy" whining. He chuckles saying "I know" hugging me. Jack mumbles "I'm sorry." I say "its ok" kissing him. He mumbles "I gotta go" getting up. He kisses me and I mumble "I'll be thinking of you when I'm getting off later" and he bites my lip, mumbling "you're so hot. Stop doing this to me" kissing me. I mumble "ok, go" chuckling. He kisses me mumbling "fine" and he leaves. I lay down on my bed, pulling my sweatshirt off.
Smut starts (kinda)
I dip my hands into my pants, palming myself slowly. I bite my lip and add a bit more pressure. I groan quietly, mumbling "fuck" and moving my hand into my underwear but not touching myself yet. Then I move my fingers slowly just to tease myself. I mumble "mmm, fuck" biting my lip. Then I move my hand quicker and I moan quietly, mumbling "thats really good." I run my hand through my hair and I do this with my hand for several minutes and I eventually mumble "almost there." I cum mumbling "that felt so good" my back arching and my hips thrusting a little bit.
Smut ends (kinda)
I sleep for a while by that I mean like 5 hours then I get up mumbling "what should I do? I feel ok now." I look at my phone and May texted me saying:
Me: ok, ill be there
I chuckle and I get up and grab a SnapBack, my binder, tee shirt, jean, high tops, and a jean jacket. I quickly shower and change. I grab my phone and my ID. I leave and walk to her room. I scan my card cause I'm gonna scare Jack if has back is to the door plus May isn't gonna care if I don't knock if there are people in there. When I walk in and everyone can see me start to say something and I put my finger to my lips, immediately silencing them. I go up behind Jack and run my hand through his hair and he screams. Everyone laughs and Jack says "you scared me!" I say "I'm sorry!" I sit next to him and he pouts, crossing his arms. I do the same and the guys chuckle. Jack says "whatever. You know Rian and Zack, thats Mike, Vic, Tony, Kellin, and Jaime. You know May already. I say "hey, I know you and you." We chuckle and Jack says "how?" I say "well, Kellin and you were arguing about who was crazier and when I got here Mike and I were talking about Harry Potter" making Tony facepalm. The guys laugh and May says "why are you guys in my room? Why not go to Jacks room or something?" Jack says "no, no ones coming to my room." I mumble "our" rolling my eyes. Jack says "so moody" rolling his eyes. I say "shut the fuck up" laying on the floor. May says "you alright, Alex?" I say "yes" glaring at Jack. Jack says "what?!" I say "I don't know" making him chuckle. Rian says "whats happening in your life, Alex?" I say "I don't know, everything wrong. Lots of food and sadness" making the guys chuckle. May says "I'm gonna be digesting for the next ever." I laugh saying "but it was good so it doesn't matter." We laugh and Jack says "what did you do guys?"may and I laugh and she sys "eat a lot of food and got my interview for my essay thats due Friday." Tony says "damn, I need to interview someone for that too" quietly. Mike says "you could interview me" laying across his lap. Tony says "no, you're boring" ruffling his hair. Mike says "I'm fabulous! You're so mean to me." Tony says "someone needs to make your ego chill out and you aren't around your brother enough so someone has to" chuckling, threading his fingers through Mikes hair and Mike glares at him. We all laugh and I say "you poor thing" chuckling. Mike says "he's so mean to me." Tony says "no I'm not" chuckling. Jack puts his hand on my face and I lick his hand. He says "hey!" I say "don't put your hand on my face!" Everyone laughs and I roll my eyes. Jaime says "I have a crazy story!"

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