Alex's POV
We all end up sitting on the floor just talking about random stuff. May says "we should do something." Jack says "like what?" Rian says "coffee" and we all laugh. Jack says "mmmm, coffee" laying across my lap. Mike says "I want some!" Tony says "didn't we all agree last year that Jack and Mike can't have coffee cause they are literally gremlins?" I chuckle and Jack says "damnit, he remembered." May says "we did agree to that." Mike says "awwww." I run my hand through Jacks hair and he closes his eyes, yawning. I run my hand through his hair some more and Kellin says "Jack, you alright, buddy?" He shrugs, mumbling "no, I feel like fucking trash" burying his face in my hip. I smile, biting my lip, and I say "what do you want to do?" Jack says "I wanna sleep" holding my hand. He squeezes my hand, mumbling "I'm going back to our room." I mumble "ok, you want me to come with you?" He nods, standing up. I chuckle and I say "k" getting up. We go to our room and he takes his shirt and pants off. I take my pants off and I take my shirt and my binder off, changing into a sports bra. He lays down, making grabby hands at me. I smile, laying next to him, and he rests his head on my chest. He wraps his leg around my waist, almost immediately falling asleep. I smile, kissing his forehead. I run my hand through his hair and over his arm. I bite my lip and he moves his head, whining quietly. I rub his arm mumbling "whats wrong, baby?" He says "you're warm and it feels nice" and I chuckle, kissing his forehead. I mumble "you're so cute" rubbing his side. I smile and Jack mumbles "I want a kiss." I chuckle, kissing him, and he mumbles "thank you." I say "you don't have to thank me, babe" kissing his forehead. I smile and he falls back asleep.
Several hours later
Jack cuddles closer to me mumbling "are you doing ok, handsome?" I say "yeah, are you?" He mumbles "yeah, I'm ok I still don't feel good though." I rub his back, mumbling "do you want to keep sleeping or do you wanna do something else?" He mumbles "I wanna lay here" kissing my cheek. I run my hand through his hair mumbling "ok" kissing him softly. I say "tell me what hurts, baby." He says "just everything" moving his arm and lays it over my stomach. I rub his side, mumbling "you're doing amazing, baby" kissing his knuckles then his forehead. He smiles, mumbling "I wanna kiss." I say "kiss me then" him kissing me. I peck his lips a couple times and he smiles, burying his face in my chest. Jack kisses my chest. I say "whats with you and my boobs?" He says "they're nice" kissing softly. I say "I don't like them." He mumbles "I like them but its nothing on me what you do to them." I smile, running my hand through his hair. I mumble "ok, I just don't get why you like them." We chuckle and he says "I don't know" literally kissing all over my boobs. I say "you're so weird" chuckling. He smiles, kissing my chin. I bite my lip and he kisses my bottom lip. He says "you're so handsome" kissing me. I blush, squeezing his hip. Jack says "theres supposed to be a couple new people tomorrow, they're all friends and according to a lot of girls they're hot as fuck" yawning. I say "nice, do you know them?" He says "no" kissing me. Jack says "in case I die in my sleep tonight, cause I feel like I'm going to, will you be my boyfriend?" I chuckle saying "yes" and he kisses me. I mumble "you aren't going to die, babe" kissing him. He says "I feel like it" kissing my neck. I tilt my head up and he lightly kisses my neck. I pull the covers over us and he moves under the covers resting his head on my stomach. I run my hand through his hair, mumbling "what are you doing?" He says "I don't know" kissing my stomach, biting gently. I pull his hair lightly and he smiles against my skin. I know he's not getting me off, he's clearly going to sleep some more. I chuckle saying "you're so cute" and he shifts his head, yawning. He rubs my thigh and kisses my stomach. He eventually falls asleep, his hand resting on my thigh. I smile and I run my hand through his hair and I fall asleep too, my hand in his hair.
A few hours later
Jack moves his head back to my chest, slowly waking up. I wake up saying "hi, baby" yawning. He says "hi" kissing me. I smile, mumbling how are you feeling?" He says "I think I was just over tired, I'm ok now" yawning. He puts his hand on my cheek, running his thumb over my cheekbone. I make a kissy face at him and he chuckles, kissing me softly. He smiles, moving closer to me, and he kisses my neck. I mumble "you're so cute." Someone knocks and scans their card, opening the door. Just May comes in saying "hey, buddy, you doing alright? Do I need to get mom?" Jack says "no, I'm ok." She says "you aren't annoying Alex, are you?" Jack says "no" and May says "I just came to check on you. I'll see you tomorrow guys." Jack says "no, come back, tell me about this Austin guy." I get up, putting a sweatshirt on saying "I want to hear about this too" sitting up and Jack lays his head in my lap. May says "he seems very bland. The first like hour he was very cool but I don't think I enjoy being around him enough to go any further." I say "how bland? Spill it." She says "let me tell you, its like talking to the douchiest version of Rian ever! Rian's nice, you can have a long conversation with him, you can actually like him. Austin is just so fucking bland, you just get fouled by his looks. We could talk for the first hour and then we couldn't find anything else to talk about." Jack says "he was trying to get in your pants, I could tell. Don't drag it out" squeezing my hand. May says "he was trying already!" I say "you're kidding! That asshole!" She says "yeah! Hes so fucking boring" groaning. May mocks "well, what do you do for fun? I play video games. What else do you do? Play video games" groaning. I say "you need someone exciting." Jack says "all my friends are skaters, play instruments, and are just crazy, those are the dudes you grew up having a crush on. So, yeah, he's pretty boring to you. A lot of girls your age like gamers. They think its hot for some reason. We all play video games, sure. We do other things though. Its just a thing, it takes a lot to impress you in general." May says "I wish I was easier to impress but he's so fucking bland I don't even know how to describe it!" I say "we need to find you a man, May. Ooo, didn't you say hot guys were starting here tomorrow?" Jack nods and May gasps saying "are they like typical hot or like hot hot." Jack says "they're apparently really hot, all the girls at school wouldn't shut up about them." May says "what girls though, so these dudes could be really typical or they could be fucking sex gods basically. They don't have to be that good looking if they are good at sex according to them." Jack says "you're friends with the girls that like bland guys." she groans saying "I know, I have to listen to them talk about wanting to fuck my brother and your friends. They settle for the bland guys cause you guys aren't interested." Jack says "were all gay, what do you want from us?" We laugh and I say "you aren't wrong."

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