Alex's POV
At the last bell we all go to Jack and I's dorm. I lay on my bed saying "ouch, I laid wrong" laughing and groaning. The guys chuckle and May comes in saying "guess who's crashing the party!" I laugh and she lays next to me saying "hi." I say "hi" yawning. She says "how'd the surgery go?" I say "good. A couple of my friends decided to be in a big box in my living room when I got there the day we left. According to my dad, he told them to go in the box" chuckling. May says "will one of them date me?" I laugh saying "no, those weirdos love each other." Jack says "they want me." I say "Oli is done with you and Josh was annoying Oli, its what they do, they're weird. Don't think you're all that." Kellin says "who are these friends?" I say "Oli and Josh, they like to show up and scare me randomly. They're cute enough that they get away with it." Jack says "Oli scares me a bit." I say "he's not scary" chuckling. I say "unless he's mad then you might want to run if he's mad at you. He's just constantly mad at the world" and we all chuckle. May says "we should call them." I say "why?" She says "why not?" I laugh saying "fine, this should be entertaining" calling Oli and putting it on speaker. He says "hey" kinda breathlessly. I chuckle saying "what are you doing?" Oli says "about to have a round 2, wanna join?" Everyone chuckles in my room and I hear Josh say "theres no round 2, Oliver. I want to sleep." I chuckle and Oli says "I was kidding." I say "enough of your sex life, Oli. You should come hang out, my friends want to bully you." Oli gasps saying "you made friends?" Everyone bursts out laughing and I say "listen, they just showed up! I don't know how to make friends, Oliver!" We all laugh and Josh says "you're doing great, love. I'm glad you have people to hang out with" tiredly. I say "aww. Thanks, Josh. What are you doing next weekend guys? Were hanging out next weekend." Oli chuckles saying "ok, love. I'll come find you next weekend." I say "thats stalkerish, cya, Oliver." He chuckles saying "yup, I'll see you, love" hanging up. May says "awwwwww" and we all laugh. I chuckle saying "May, anything exciting with you?" She says "here's the tea, the Austin guy is exactly what I told you, boring as fuck. He's still trying to get in my pants and I've blocked him on everything. I don't need that in my life." Zack says "how boring are we talking? Rian boring or Andy boring?" We laugh and May says "the worst version of Rian there could ever be boring." We laugh and I say "yikes, that would suck. Rian's not even that boring but you're just not fun." Rian says "thanks, Alex" rolling his eyes. I say "its true, you've never watched Harry Potter, James Bond, Star Wars, and all the good stuff." We laugh and I say "superheroes! All the movies are good except some of them." Zack says "Rian, you really have to watch some movies." I say "only some? More like all of them, mr. I like Shawshank redemption" rolling my eyes. Andy says "thats a good movie though but no Batman?! How?!" Lonny says "the Batman obsession is unreal." CC says "since Andy was a small boy its been Batman." Andy says "when I was 3 feet tall" and we all laugh. I say "I have to wash my hair. Ackkkk." We all chuckle and May rests his head on my stomach saying "we should do something." Jack says "like what?" I say "I can't do much" chuckling. May says "its hot out." I say "its raining." She says "but I'm sweating!" May says "we should go swimming." CC dramatically says "not my eyeliner." We all laugh and Andy says "dude, you gotta get waterproof eyeliner." Kellin says "the true emo knows always wear waterproof cause sweat and tears." I say "true" and Jack says "lets go swimming!" I chuckle and we all get up. I say "were going in the rain?" May says "yes."
Several minutes later
We all sign out and May finds a pool. I mumble "Jesus Christ" leaning against Jack as she runs through the gate and jumps in. Everyone laughs and Andy says "hey, Lonny, guess what?" Lonny says "nope, I run now" turning around and Andy grabs his waist, putting Lonny over his shoulder. Lonny says "no! I don't want to." Andy some how gets Lonnys shirt off and says "you better get those shoes off and your phone out of your pocket cause you're going in the water, babe." Lonny gets his shoes off as we all laugh and May says "its cold" and Lonny groans, laughing as Andy throws him in the pool. Lonny comes up, whining "its cold" glaring at Andy. Andy says "no shit" laughing. We all laugh and I say "poor Lonny." He pouts and Andy says "stop making that face at me, its making me feel bad." Lonny laughs saying "good" getting out of the pool. May says "I'm numb." I chuckle and Kellin dramatically starts singing Numb by Linkin Park. I say "imagine if thats what that song was written about." Zack says "I don't think it was." We laugh and shrug. May says "come on, Zack, don't make me drag you." Zack says "do it" crossing his arms. I say "May, you'd have better luck dragging Jack in." Jack says "damnit, Alex." May says "you're free, Zack" and Jack runs. May grabs his wrist before he gets too far and Jack says "ya know, you're going in with me, right?" Before she can react, Jack picks her up and jumps in the pool. Eventually a lifeguard says "no swimming without a lifeguard out here." I mumble "you're out here now" and the guys chuckle. They both come up and May says"I will literally drown you." Jack says "go ahead and try" and swims away from her. We chuckle and the lifeguard says "this is kind entertaining and I have no life so I'm just gonna stay here" sitting under his umbrella in his chair.

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