Alex POV
Jack says "I'm all wet" glaring at the ground. I chuckle saying "no shit, Jack." He gets out, randomly screaming. We all laugh and I say "you alright?" He nods, resting his head on my shoulder. I say "stoppppp" pushing his head away. He chuckles saying "no." I roll my eyes and I say "May, your lips are turning blue. Lets go back." She pouts saying "but Alex, I wanna keep swimming." Shes clearly really tired. I chuckle saying "come on, I'm not carrying you." She gets out saying "fine" then yawns. She whines "why didn't we bring towels?" I say "I don't know" chuckling. I say "this was your idea." She says "shh" leaning against Zack. Jack mumbles "cold" as we walk onto campus. Lonny says "thanks, Andrew" slightly shivering and leaning into Andy. Andy says "I'm sorry" kissing his temple, rubbing his arm. Caden walks by winking and saying "whats got you guys wet?" Jack lazily says "your mom" and Caden says "are you drunk, Jack?" Jack says "no, I'm just cold." May says "guys, I'm cold" whining. Caden says "what happened to you guys?" I chuckle saying "May thought it would be a good idea to go swimming, she dragged Jack in with her, and Andy threw Lonny in" chuckling. Caden says "got it, I'll see you guys later" chuckling and walking away. We all go into the dorm and Lonny, Jack, and May go upstairs to shower. I sign everyone in and we go up to the top floor. Mike, Tony, Vic, Jaime, and Kellin go to bed and everyone else agrees to go to my room cause we all are hungry and want pizza. We all lay around in mine and Jacks room. I say "I'm gonna wash my hair, someone order pizza." We laugh and CC says "I'll do it" rolling his eyes and pulling his phone out. I go into the bathroom saying "its just me" and Jack says "k." I pull my shirt off, getting my hair wet and Jack says "you need any shampoo?" I say "yes please" putting my hand near the shower curtain, and he gives me some. I say "thank you" washing my hair. I rinse it saying "the one time it sucks to be tall is when you're trying to wash your hair in a sink." The guys must've heard me cause I hear a few chuckles. I dry my hands and Jack finishes in the shower as I start blow drying my hair. I smile and Jack puts on boxers and sweatpants, then sits on the sink counter. He yawns and I say "tired?" He nods, looking at me. I say "what?" He says "you're pretty." I bite my lip and he towel dries his hair quickly. He kisses me and I run my hand through his hair. I smile, kissing him, and he mumbles "I. Love you" tiredly. I smile, saying "I love you too" kissing him. He goes into our room and I put on my shirt, also leaving the room. Rian whistles saying "shirts coming off already guys? Its only 5 o' clock." Jack says "I just got out of the shower!" I chuckle saying "he's kidding, weirdo" laying on my bed. May and Lonny come back eventually and Rian says "aww, Lonnys hair is so cute and curly." Lonny says "shhh, I'm hungry." We chuckle and Jack lays his head on my stomach and May curls into my side. We hear a knock at the door and May tiredly says "last time I checked we don't have anymore friends." We chuckle and Andy goes to get the door. He pays the guy and we get a bunch of pizza. Jack says "on every milestone in all of our friendship we end up getting pizza, not even on purpose either." Andy says "how many milestones have there been?" I say "or were just eating in general" laughing. Jack says "a lot." I say "mmm, I think my first meal in this bed was pizza, when I met May we were eating pizza, when we hung out with all you folk the first time, really southern, we ate pizza." We laugh and I say "all occasions we eat pizza." Jack mumbles "put that on a shirt" and I run my hand through his hair. We all chuckle and Jack smiles, closing his eyes. I say "Lonny, your hair is so cute." He glares at me and I say "like a kitten." We chuckle and May says "I could sleep here" yawning. I chuckle and Jack pokes my stomach. I say "what?" Jack bites his lip, mumbling "hi" resting his hand on my hip. I say "hi" chuckling. Rian says "Jack, buddy, you dead?" Jack nods, moving up to lay next to me, and kisses my cheek. May rolls over onto the floor saying "Why do you do that al the time, Alex? It hurts, fuck." We laugh and I say "I dunno" chuckling. She lays on the floor and we al just eat pizza. Jack say "I don't see why you roll off the bed all the time" chuckling. I say "I just end up doing it" laughing. I say "I don't know why but I do it" chuckling. Zack says "how'd surgery go, Alex?" I say "it was good, still in pain a little but I'm good." He says "thats good." Andy says "what did you have surgery on anyways?" I say "I haven't told you yet?! Whoops. I had top surgery and I'm really excited" yawning. Andy chuckles saying "you sound excited" making us laugh. Jack says "you should of saw him when he woke up, it was funny." I say "it wasn't terrible, I was just loopy and couldn't walk by myself. I wasn't saying weird shit." We chuckle and he says "you say normal shit?" I say "sure" laughing and rolling my eyes. He mumbles "your hair is soft" kissing my cheek, messing with my hair. I chuckle and May yells "PDA. GROSS!" We laugh and Rian says " I think your just really single." We laugh and I say "poor May." May says "theres so many people at this damn school and I don't talk to any of them." I say "you should then. Go to a party, walk around a store and see if you can randomly make friends, I don't know." Jacks phone rings and he hands it to me. I say "thanks?" I answer it saying "Alex Gaskarth speaking." The guy laugh quietly and Jacks mom says "tell Jack and May that family is coming to the house in the morning and that they need to be at the house either tonight or tomorrow morning. If they go in the morning they have to be here by 9. You can come too if you want. I'll cya, Alex" hanging up. Jack mumbles "who was it?" I say "your mom, seriously, it was your mom. Apparently you have family coming over tomorrow and you guys have to be at your house by 9." Jack groans mumbling "can you go?" I say "your mom said I can if I want." He says "yay." May mumbles "relatives makes me want to kill myself." I say "are they really that bad?" Jack nods saying "they're bad like really bad. Some of them are annoying and insulting, cousins are nice though, and aunts and uncles are nice too. Just grandparents and some distant family members are a bit yikes." I say "great" chuckling.

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