Alex's POV
Theres a knock on the door and May says "I want my fries!" I put a sweatshirt on cause I took my binder off a few minutes ago. I say "just come in." She says "my card doesn't work on this, dumbass!" Jack mumbles "I'll get it" kissing my cheek and going to the door. I sit up and Jack opens the door and May says "put a damn shirt on, Jack" coming in with the guy. May says "I want my fries" tackling me. I cough saying "ribs, ouch. Take them" and she says "I'm sorry! I want my fries though!" I say "its fine" recovering. Jack lays on top of May and we both groan. I say "you're going to kill me" coughing. The guy stands against the wall, chuckling. May says "Jack you gonna pay us for food? You said you'd pay." Jack says "I'll pay for food later" laying next to me. Jack says "middle drawer, other side of the room. Don't open the top one" yawning. She smirks saying "why not?" Jack says "if you need condoms and or lube go for it, sister. Knock yourself out." May says "I didn't need to know that! I'm telling mom!" I say "oh, shit." Jack says "she knows I'm not a virgin, I don't give a shit what she knows." I lay on my stomach saying "whats your name, I never got it?" The guy says "whats my name again?" Jack sings Whats My Age Again, yawning. I chuckle and Jack falls out of bed randomly. May says "Jack, what are you doing?" He tiredly says "fucking your mom" not thinking. May says "my mom is your mom" laughing. The guy says "I'm Austin." Jack says "you're adopted" resting his head on my chest. May says "no I'm not, dumbass, we look alike" rolling her eyes. May says "the guys wanna hang out later. My roommates not back until tomorrow so they're going to be there in like a few hours, were buying a bunch of food." I give her a thumbs up and Austin and May leave. Jack kisses my jaw, putting his leg over my waist. I rub his thigh mumbling "you're tired, huh, baby?" He nods, mumbling "you're warm" kissing my cheek. I run my hand through his hair, rubbing his back. He kisses me and I say "what do you think of Austin?" He mumbles "he seems nice. I'm sleeping, shhh" kissing me and moving his head to my chest. I smile, kissing his forehead. I'm not a top at all but I get wanting to be cuddled like this. He's so cute. I kiss his forehead and slowly fall asleep.
A few hours later
"Awww, their so cute." I hear a few aww's and I say "your key doesn't work on this door, bull fucking shit." Jack flips them off and Zack says "you want pizza that you don't have to pay for, Jack?" Jack nods and takes his leg off me, mumbling "you comfortable with everyone being in here?" I mumble "I don't know, I'll be back" eventually rolling onto the floor. I say "owww, fuck you, Ashlyn. what ever is wrong with me were going to call her Ashlyn. Is that healthy for my health?" Kellin says "I mean whatever you want I guess." I say "were going to do that then. Give me a second" grabbing a tee shirt and going into the bathroom cause I left my binder in there last. Its not there. Fuck. I say "Jack, where is it?!" I hear him get out of bed saying "let me in." I let him in saying "where's my fucking binder?" He says "I don't know, where'd you put it?" I say "right there, where is it?!" He says "I don't know!" I say "I don't fucking know either! You're fucking messing with me aren't you?" He says "what?! No I'm not! Why would I ever do that to you, Alex!" I say "I don't fucking know!" Jack says "hey, were going to look for it." I rub my forehead and I go out to my bag. May winks at me and Austin and her leave. I call my mom and she says "hello?" I say "I might need a new binder" putting her on speaker and going through my bag. She says "ya know, theres one at the house, right?" I say "but I fucking lost one, mom!" She says "I don't know what to do other than tell you to find it!" I say "found it!" Mom says "told you, just have to find it." I say "no shit! K, bye" hanging up. I say "Jack, what did you do?" He says "I didn't do anything!" I go to the bathroom saying "I'm sorry" and he says "its ok" laying on my bed. I shut the door and put my binder on and a tee shirt. I put on a zip up sweatshirt but I don't zip it. I change into jeans and fix my hair. I leave the bathroom and grab a beanie, saying "I'm good now." Rian says "yeah, you alright, buddy? You had quite a thing." I say "I'm good. Mini panic attack" chuckling. We go to Mays room and Jack pokes my cheek. I turn my head, biting his finger. He glares at me and I lick his finger and we go in. He says "don't lick me!" I say "why?" Jack says "cause, it felt weird" and I chuckle. I bite my lip and Zack says "what are we doing?" We laugh and I lay on top of May, saying "I don't know." May says "get off meeeeee." I say "where is May? I can here her but I can't see her" crossing my arms. May says "Alex, I will crush your face." I say "nooooo, not my beautiful face" rolling onto the floor. I say "I really need to stop doing that" groaning. May says "karma." I say "I need help up, I'm old." Jack says "you aren't old" helping me up. Rian says "Austin, do you go here?" Austin says "I do actually." May says "you do?" Austin says "yeah" chuckling. Austin says "I got detention a couple days ago now I have to go sit in the fucking principals office." Jack says "I feel so bad for you. She might murder you to put it lightly." May says "damn, good luck with that." Austin chuckles saying "past experiences?" Jack says "the last 17 years of my life, baby!" May says "14 for me." I say "she loves me, you could've told me."  Jack says "if I told you you would've never gone in there though" hugging me from behind. I say "you aren't wrong" rolling my eyes. He says "I know."

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