A few days later
Alex's POV
I go back into the dorm for the first time since before surgery. The guys don't think I'm coming back till tomorrow but why not go into my last class where we all have a class together? Somehow they were like lets put this class of friends together. Its really chaotic and the teacher is like really gay and he loves us so its not too bad. The receptionist says "hey, you're back! Welcome back!" I smile and Jack signs us back in. I say "thank you" chuckling. Jack says "yeah, I'll see you around" and we go back to our room. I lay in my bed and Jack lays next to me. I rest my head on Jacks chest saying "I missed this bed" and Jack mumbles "me too" rubbing my side. I say "I like my bed at home but I also love this bed" kissing him. I rub his stomach and he checks his phone saying "I think we should leave now to go to class, you ready?" I say "yup, I'm ready" getting up. I say "ouch, I moved weirdly" standing up, groaning. Jack says "easy, baby." I mumble "mhmm." Jack kisses me and I put on a sweatshirt, unzipped. Jack kisses my temple and we go to the building where this class is. I say "its hard to hide from a lot of people." Jack says "well be fine" and we go into the building. The classes switched a few minutes ago so no one sees us. I love surprises. I laugh at me self quietly and Jack says "what are you laughing at?" I say "I'm just being dumb." I open the door and I say "I'm back!" Everyone cheers and the teacher says "whats happening?" We laugh and I sit down saying "I brought Jack with me too if you wanted him." Rian says "how'd it go, buddy?" I say "good other than I'm not allowed to shower for the next 5 days." Mike says "that must feel gross." Tony says "you never shower, you know how it feels." Vic says "he's an oily boy." We all laugh and Mike says "I shower everyday, shut up before I murder you, Vic." The teacher says "feisty" scrolling through his phone. I kid you not his phone screams and he screams, almost throwing his phone across the room. We laugh and the teacher laughs saying "I can answer this right?" We all shrug and he answers his phone, saying "hey, babe, whats up?" Everyone in this class, all my friends "ooooooo" making the teacher chuckle. We all laugh and and the teacher turns around in his chair, writing shhhh on the board, and turns back around. I give him a thumbs up and everyone shuts up. The teacher, his name is Jason by the way, and he says "I don't know! Where did you put it?!" He mutes himself, saying "what do I do?!" Jack says "what happened?" Jason rubs his forehead saying "my boyfriend can't find his binder and I don't know what to do!" Everyone looks at me and I say "stop looking at me, give me the phone." Jason raises an eyebrow, handing me the phone. I unmute the phone and I say "hey, can you listen to me for a second?" The guy stutters "s-sure" on the brink of tears. I say "I know you don't know me, you might not like me, and thats ok. I know what its like to be in your position, ok? You'll find it. You'll find your binder, your boyfriend didn't move it no matter how much you think so. Don't worry about it, I know that sounds whack to hear right now but chill out, you'll find it." I bite my lip and he says "I wouldn't hate you, I have nothing to hate you for and are you sure he didn't move it?" I chuckle saying "I'm sure. You just forgot where you put it, trust me. Ive broken up with a boyfriend and hit the boyfriend after that one because I couldn't find my binder and they never moved it." he says "you're super sure?" I raise an eyebrow at Justin and he puts his hands up in surrender. I say "yeah, he didn't move it" chuckling. He says "ha bitch! I found it!" I say "thats great! Even though I'm pretty fabulous, theres probably someone you'd rather talk to so I'm going to hand the phone over." He says "k" chuckling and I give Justin the phone. He mutes his phone saying "what the fuck?! You're literally god." I laugh saying "thanks?" He talks to his man for a few minutes and hangs up. Justin says "whats the fuck?! How'd you do that?!" I say "I'm magical" shrugging. Justin says "teach me!" I say "all you can do is tell him you didn't do it and hope he believes you, don't walk away from the argument, and if you do, you better come back with that binder or you're murdered." Jack says "make sure he doesn't pass out from a panic attack cause that hospital visit will never be fun for you." I say "its not fun on either end. That happened last week, just remembered. Damn, you've been through a lot this week because of me. I'm sorry" turning to Jack. He says "its ok, in that video I took of you after your surgery completely makes up for it. You look so dead and high at the same time." I roll my eyes saying "thanks, Jack." The guys laugh and Rian says "I wanna see" and everyone nods in agreement. Jack looks at me and I say "fine" rolling my eyes. Jack shows them the video and I say "I sound so high" laughing. We all laugh and everyone aww's at the end. I roll my eyes and Rian says "you're so cute, Alex. I might just keep you." I blush, glaring at him. Jack chuckles, saying "you're cute." I blush even more saying "shut up" rolling my eyes. Justin says "poor Alex." I nod saying "you're telling me" chuckling. Zack says "were definitely playing those at graduation." I roll my eyes, saying "great."

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