Alex's POV
Lana says "what did she say to you?" I say "I don't wanna talk about it" leaning into Jacks side. She smiles saying "its ok." We all sit in the living room and Jack and I sit against the wall. I lay my head on Jacks shoulder and he mumbles "hi" and I say "hi" kissing the corner of his lips. I play with his fingers and Jacks mom says "how did your surgery go, Alex? I never got to ask you." I smile saying "it was good, apparently, it was really entertaining to see me after I woke up" poking Jack. Jack says "it was though!" I say "of course it was, I almost fell like 3 times" chuckling. The adults chuckle and I say "I was very loopy, I was just a mess" chuckling. We laugh and Jack kisses my cheek, then hides his face in my shoulder. I say "what?" He smiles, mumbling "nothing." I chuckle saying "ok?" He kisses my neck and rests his head on my shoulder as the other guys, May, and Laney come inside. Laney says "mom, I wanna learn how to skateboard!" I smile and Lana says "you do now? Who's going to teach you?" Laney says "I didn't think that far" looking down. We all laugh and May says "Zack." Jack says "you're a fucking genius!" Lana says "language" chuckling. May says "guys, we all know how to skateboard, why would we be asking Zack?" We laugh and Jack says "why not ask Zack?" I say "cause he'd make you pay him in protein shakes." We laugh and I say "sorry" chuckling. May says "I haven't heard that one before, that was great" laughing. Laney sits in Jacks lap saying "why are we paying him with something that's not money?" Jack chuckles saying "it was a joke. Zack likes to work out a lot so we make jokes like that sometimes just to annoy him." Laney giggles saying "I get it now! so its like when Alex makes fun of how you are really dumb?" I laugh and Jack says "I'd hope so" chuckling. I chuckle saying "only a little bit." We laugh and Jacks dad says "maybe a little more than you think" chuckling. Jack says "rude" glaring at his dad. We chuckle and Laney gets off Jacks lap, going to mess with Asa. Jack rests his head in my lap, mumbling "I love you." I mumble "I love you too" running my hand through his hair. I bite my lip, smiling. Lana says "Alex, you're so cute, how?!" We all laugh and I say "I dunno" smiling. Jack pokes my bottom lip and I chuckle, saying "what?" He says "hi" and I chuckle saying "hi" playing with his hair. He yawns quietly and I chuckle, saying "you're like a cat sometimes" running my hand through his hair. Jack then just says "meow" making me laugh. I smile, saying "you're a weirdo." He closes his eyes mumbling "shhh." I chuckle and Laney says "Jacks a cat now." We laugh and Jack says "I'm not good at landing on my feet, therefore I'm not a cat." We all laugh and Jason says "Jacks just Jack. We don't know how to explain it, thats just him." Jack chuckles then mumbles "how are you feeling?" I mumble "I'm good, in pain a little bit but I'm ok." He says "ok" poking my chin. I glare at him and he says "if you keep doing that your face is going to get stuck like that." I roll my eyes saying "you do it more than I do" chuckling. Jack smiles, mumbling "fine" crossing his arms. Joyce says "you guys should go do something." Jack says "what should we do then?" I say "lets go find May a man cause she's always complaining about being alone" and everyone laughs. May says "shut up" chuckling. I say "its true though!" She says "all my friends are dating each other, except Jaime but he's ace and gay so, you only get so far." We laugh and Lana says "all of them are dating each other, you're kidding." I say "no, shes not." Joyce says "are Zack and Rian "just friends" still?" Jack says "dunno, theres something there though." Joyce says "what about Mike and Tony, or are they still doing the "just friends" thing still too?" Jack says "they're together." Jason says "we should go to the skate park." Jack says "lets do it." May says "yeah, lets do it." We all get up and Laney stands in front of Jason saying "can I go too?" Jason says "of course" picking her up and we all grab our boards. Laney says "I don't want to learn today, I wanna watch." Jack says "thats ok" and we all make it to the skate park. Laney and I just hang out, watching the guys and May skateboard. Laney says "why do all the boys here have long hair?" I say "some guys like to have long hair, what do you think about it?" She says "some people can pull it off some can't but I like it, I think its cool." I smile saying "yeah, some can't, some can." She points subtly at a few guys saying "like those guys over there, they're pretty." I say "wait, those look like some people I know, wanna go say hi?" Laney says "lets go" and we walk over. They look like Oli, Josh, Mike, and Tony. I gesture for Mike and Tony to be quiet and I say "boo" putting my hands on Oli's shoulders. He jumps but doesn't scream saying "the hell?" I say "hi, Oliver." He says "Jesus fucking Christ, hey, love." I laugh and Laney says "I think you scared him." I say "mission accomplished, right?" I pick her up and we high five. Laney says "hey, I know you and you" pointing at Mike and Tony. Mike says "oh yeah? Whats my name?" Laney jokingly says "Francis." We laugh and I say "who let you watch Deadpool?" Laney says "Jack" smiling innocently. I say "of course he did" chuckling. Josh says "Jack let a child watch Deadpool?" Laney says "and Asa and Jason" smiling. We laugh and Tony chuckles saying "they need to learn how to take care of children I think." I chuckle saying "maybe a little." Laney says "I'm not a child, I'm 6" glaring at us. I chuckle saying "oh really now?" She nods saying "yeah, I'm not a child." I chuckle saying "k, dude." Tony says "Laney, do you skateboard yet?" Laney says "no, I'm going to learn another time cause I just want to watch." He nods and I say "were finding May a man." Mike scans everyone were with and he says "that ones giving her looks, he might think shes cute." I say "Matt?" Tony says "dude, thats like the type of dude shes always talking about, he's hot, damnit. Why?!" Mike chuckles saying "you poor thing. Don't go cheating on me, boy." Tony says "I know, I love you but he's hot." We laugh and I say "he's angsty about third wheeling" chuckling. Mike says "great, they have something in common already." Josh says "he's hot though" and Tony says "right?" Mike and Oli roll their eyes mumbling "bottoms" making the other 2 glare at them. I chuckle and Laney says "whats that mean?" I say "you'll learn later, Laney" chuckling. I put Laney down and we all talk for a little longer. Laney says "you guys are really tall" making us chuckle. Josh says "I know right, they're all taller than me too." Oli says "but you're cute and small." I say "the smaller you're the more feisty."

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