1. sex

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walking to a bar with my friends was not how i planned to spend my friday night. kat and rina were trying hard to turn me into a party girl but, as much as it was working, there were nights, such as tonight, where i wanted to stay home and watch movies. especially after unsettling events that occured earlier today, i did not want to leave my house.

kat had called me to inform me on her plans and how she would force me to go if i refused, which i did, but she just laughed and hung up, so i wasn't surprised when kat and rina came to my house to pick me up and started yelling at me for wearing sweats.

"you need to get up off your ass and catch a dick." kat said while grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs. after whining for 5 minutes, i finally gave in and got ready, which was only doing my hair and changing my clothes. after straightening my hair, rina grabbed dresses out of my closet and i picked a tight black mini dress.

it's quite chilly outside which is surprising because of the warm weather we've been having, but it was bound to start getting colder outside. i hug my arms when we walk in, and the first place we go is the bar and order shots to start off.

"kat?" i hear a deep voice call from afar. we all turn to look and see a tall figure with messy, dirty blond curly hair.

"george?" oh my god it's been so long, how have you been?" she says, embracing him in a hug. "george, these are my friends val and rina."

"hi, it's nice to meet you, george." i say, extending my arm for him to shake, which he does.

"you too. these are my mates adam, matty, and ross." he introduces us to his friends behind him, who are barely paying attention. except for one who is staring at me with a small smile on his lips.

he has curly chocolate brown hair that is a little messy but it looks good on him. he's wearing all black which looks good on him and makes him 10 times more attractive.

"so how do you two know each other?" rina asks her.

"we go way back, actually. we lost contact over the years but if i'd known you'd grow up to look like this i would've never lost touch with you." kat jokes but deep down i know she isn't joking which makes me bite my lip to keep from laughing.

the skinny curly headed boy is still looking at me so i step towards him and extend my arm out to him, which he shakes. "hi, im val. i take it you're one of george's friends?" i introduce myself.

"yes, i've known him for quite a long time, actually. more than ten years." he smiles.

we sit on the bar stool while we continue talking and he offers to buy me a drink, which i accept only because he told me he would buy it no matter what my answer was.

he tells me he's in a small band with george and the other two boys i wasn't properly introduced to who go by adam and ross. i was told they're pretty quiet unless they are high or had lots to drink, which i can see is true as they look far more energetic then when i first saw them.

matty is in the middle of speaking to me about his most successful songs, which i learned are chocolate, girls, and robbers. i tell him i've heard girls before and how i'm a fan of the song when kat grabs my arm and takes me to the dancefloor. i give matty and apologetic look and mouth sorry but he doesn't seem to mind. i can feel the alcohol starting to affect me more.

i take this as an opportunity to try to tease matty by shaking my hips and throwing my hands in the air. i can see from the corner of my eye hes watching me carefully so i look at him and wink.

i dance with kat and rina until i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. kat and rina giggle while they move away and dance with the other boys.

i turn around to face matty and wrap my arms around his neck, swaying my hips and grinding my body against his. he's biting his lip and i can tell from the expression on his face he's getting sexually frustrated, but so am i, so i keep grinding my body against his and start kissing his neck.

"i need you," he whispers in my ear while gripping my ass. "right now."

i look into his eyes and he smirks. i grab his hand and take him into the washroom and lock the door behind me. i can feel something poking against my dress as we're making out against the door and i stop to look at him.

"getting a little excited, i see." i smirk at him. i decide to tease him and unbuckle his belt and pull his jeans down slowly, just to see a reaction.

"for fucks sake, val, stop teasing me." he grabbed his hair out of frustration and i giggled. the way my name sounded coming out his lips with his accent made me wanna fuck him right there.

i pulled down his boxers and got on my knees and started licking his tip while making eye contact with him, and then all of a sudden he grabbed my head and pushed it down. i bobbed my head up and down and wrapped my hands around whatever couldn't fit. the sounds of him moaning were enough to make me cum but i was too focused on making him feel good.

i look up for a second to see him biting his lip and his head back against the door, which is a very pleasing sight.

i continue to bob my head up and down and attempt to deep throat, which i can tell he enjoys because he moans louder when i do that, until i can feel his grip on my hair tightening and his voice saying, "fuck you're so good at that, i'm gonna cum."

i deep throat him until i can feel him on the back of my throat and without warning, he cums in my mouth and his grip on my hair is loosening.

i swallow it and the first thing he does when i get up and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand is grab my face and kisses me.

he pulls back for breath and chuckles. i look at him with a confused face because why the fuck is he laughing?

"what?" i ask.

"that was the best fucking blowjob i've ever got. i don't usually cum that fast." he says which makes me blush so i look down.

he grabs my chin and forces me to look up at him. "let me repay you with a favour, yeah?"

i nod my head and gasp when i feel his hand going up my leg and rubbing me from outside my underwear.

"fuck you're so wet." he smirks at me.

i feel my cheeks getting hot.

"don't be embarrassed. it's fucking hot." he says which makes me giggle.

he pulls my underwear down my legs and starts rubbing my clit which causes me to moan quietly. he grabs my neck using his other hand and starts kissing me roughly.

the rest of the night is a blur.

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