9. head.cars.bending

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matty had taken me home the next morning and i invited him to come inside, which he did.

he sits on my couch and i tell him to make himself at home, which he literally does by leaning back on the couch and putting his legs on the coffee table which makes me laugh.

"do you want a drink? coffee? tea?" i ask as i walk in the kitchen.

"you have red wine?" he asks.

i shake my head and laugh. "you're unbelievable."

i give him a glass of red wine and sit next to him, flipping through the channels on the television.

"you could have just given me the bottle, val." he looks at me.

"it's eleven in the morning, matthew. i'm not stupid enough to give you that much wine in the morning." i roll my eyes.

"for fucks sake." he mumbles to himself which makes me laugh.

after 10 minutes of looking for something to watch, matty speaks. "this is fucking boring. why don't you show me your art?"

i forgot that he even asked to see and i didn't think it was that interesting to him anyways, but nevertheless i get up and lead him to my art room.

there are some canvases on the white walls as decoration and some on the floor which i plan on selling, and an easel in the middle of the room with a half painted canvas.

he examines the pieces of art on the wall and i hear  him quietly saying "wow."

"it's nothing special." i say when i hear him say that.

"they're beautiful, val." he turns to look at me and its silent until he speaks again. "you're beautiful."

i don't think he means it because i just woke up and i look like a complete mess with my tangled curly hair and dark circles under my eyes that made me look scary, so i'm not sure why he says it or even thinks it.

he walks up to me and gently grabs my face with his large hands and i know what this is going to lead to, so i step back. "matty-"

"fuck." he whispers. "can i please kiss you?"

i nod my head without thinking and he grabs my face again and kisses me and it feels amazing.

the kiss turns into a heated make out session with his hands now grabbing my ass and my arms around his neck. he motions for me to jump so i do and he carries me to the living room while im giggling and kissing his neck.

he sets me down on the couch and i gently touch the mark i created on his neck.

"what are you gonna tell the boys when they see this?" i chuckle.

he ignores my question and takes his shirt off and helps me to take mine off and kisses me again. to his advantage, i'm not wearing a bra and i hear him whisper "fuck" to himself when i'm exposed to him.

"you're still sure you want to do this?" he asks before doing anything. i nod my head.

"use your words, love." he says and i bite my lip.

"yes." i barely whisper and he continues kissing me.


i knew it was bound to happen again but this time it just felt different. it was as if we were both craving it for so long.

it doesn't make sense saying it felt like we were making love and not fucking, considering we're not in love let alone dating, but it truly did feel like it.

george was coming today to pick up one of my art pieces and matty was currently sleeping on my couch as we previously fucked many times, 4 times to be specific, and i knew he was tired. no one knew about it and i was planning to keep it this way.

i didn't tell matty that george was coming and george had no clue that matty was here so i pull the blanket over his body so it only looked like a blanket was on my couch, but it's clear there is somebody under the blanket. i hear a knock on the door and i thank god that he didn't ring the doorbell.

i open the door slightly so that only my head is visible. "hi, george."

"hey, love. do you have the canvas i asked about?" he asks.

"yeah, give me a second. don't look inside." i warn him sternly and he laughs.

i grab the large canvas from behind the door.

"do you have a guest over or something?" george chuckles.

"nope. i'm alone." i say while handing him the canvas and not looking up at him.

"if you're alone, what's that boy doing?" he asks, pointing behind me.

my eyes widen and i push him outside as he laughs. "you better keep your fucking mouth shut, george."

"we'll see." he laughs as i stick up my middle finger at him and close the door.

i turn around and see matty is awake.

"who was at the door?" he asks.

"it was just george. i gave him the canvas he was asking about last night." i explain as i sit next to him.

"do you think he saw me?" he chuckles.

"i'm not sure if he knew it was you but i know he saw a figure on the couch." i say.

he leans in and gives me a kiss on my lips. we pull away and he chuckles when he sees my red cheeks.

"so, are we gonna tell anyone about this?" he says as he rubs my inner thigh.

"how about we keep it between us and see what happens, yeah?" i say and he nods and kisses me again.

he's lying down on the couch and i'm on top of him on his lap while kissing his neck and grabbing him from his pants.

he groans in my ear and i smirk. "we're seriously doing it again?"

"with you on top of me, touching me like that, i fucking have to." he grabs me and flips us over so he's on top of me. "you're going to be the death of me."

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