7. 102

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i wake up thankfully in my own bed. i turn my head and see rina sleeping beside me and kat sleeping on the floor.

i don't remember much after i felt sick and went to the washroom with matty so i'm not quite sure how i woke up in my own flat, but i'm not complaining.

i get up quietly making sure the girls don't wake up and take a shower to get rid of the smell of alcohol.

once i'm done, i change into a graphic tee and ripped vintage jeans and hear kat and rina talking. they turn to me once they see me walk in.

"hey. george invited me for breakfast and i figured you would want to go too, you know, because of matty." kat says.

"matty and i aren't dating or anything." i chuckle.

"it didn't seem like that last night." rina smirks. "i saw you guys go to the washroom together."

"no way, you guys fucked in the washroom?" kat asks.

"no." i laugh. "actually, i felt sick and he took me to the bathroom and i threw up in the toilet."

"i expected better from you." kat chuckles and i laugh.

"yeah but we're both so confused. he just got out of a relationship and i still have a boyfriend." i explain.

"here's a thought," rina says, sarcastically. "how about you break up with christopher?"

"shut the fuck up, rina." i laugh as i hear my phone vibrate on my nightstand. i pick it up and see christopher calling me.

"you go to georges and i might come later. i have to deal with something right now." i show them my phone screen and they roll their eyes.

i sigh as they leave my flat and call christopher back. he picks up almost instantly.

"hi chris-"

"where are you right now?" he interrupts me.

"at home?" i say as if it were obvious. "why, are you coming over?"

"no, i think i should do this here." he says and now i'm fucking confused.

"what are you talking about?" i ask.

"you know i love you, right?" he says.

"of course." i answer.

"well," he starts and then pauses. "i don't think you feel the same."

"christopher, what the fuck are you talking about?" i say.

"do you think i'm fucking stupid, valentina? i fucking saw you and that loser dancing together last night."

my heart drops when he says that.

"are you gonna say anything?" he yells. "i fucking knew this was bound to end soon. you fucking changed and i don't know if it was him. but what i do know is i can't be with you like this."

at this point, i start crying and don't say anything because i know nothing i say is going to make this situation better, especially because what he is saying is true.

"how did you see us?" i ask quietly.

"a friend showed me a picture of you two dancing together." he says.

"christopher, i swear that's all that happened last night." i try convincing him.

"i'm sorry, i just can't believe you." he says.

there is a moment of silence until he speaks again.

"we're done."

he hangs up and i'm sat alone with my tear stained face thinking of what the fuck i had done.

i do something that i'm not sure is a good or bad idea but i don't care at this point.

i go outside and get in my car and drive to mattys house. i needed somebodys comfort and i didn't want to bother kat or rina.

i'm not even sure if he's home or at georges but it's worth trying.

i pull up to his flat and speed walk to the elevators. as it opens, i'm faced with matty and he looks at me with concern.

"val, are you okay?" he asks.

i didn't care to check my appearance before i left so i didn't know how much of a mess i looked, but by the look on his face i could tell i look pretty messed up.

"christopher, he," i try speaking but i kept choking on my words.

"he broke up with me. he saw me and you last night." i finally managed to say.

"oh, come here, love." he says with his arms open.

i hug him and he plays with my hair as we're standing in the lobby.

"do you wanna go upstairs and relax a little?" he suggests and i nod my head. we go in the elevator, his arms still around me, and he tries comforting me with kind words.

we step out the elevator once the doors open and he opens the door to his flat. i go sit on the couch, hugging my knees and he sits beside me.

"would you like anything to eat?" he asks and i shake my head to tell him no.

"cmon, val. have you ate anything today?" he asks and i shake my head again.

he gets up and i'm assuming he's going to make me food so i say something instead, because i honestly don't want to eat anything right now.

"do you have weed?"

"you want to smoke for breakfast?" he chuckles but i don't react or say anything.

he goes to another room and then comes back with a bag full of weed. he sits next to me and i watch him as he fills the paper with weed and licks the paper and wraps it.

"i'm so fucking mad." i say quietly.

"i think it's quite obvious." he chuckles as he hands me the blunt.

"i mean," i continue. "he's acting like dancing is cheating. as if he didn't flirt with girls when i wasn't there."

i kept going off about him, not even paying attention to matty until i heard his voice.

"i like the way your face looks when you're yapping about him."

i look him and chuckle. "yapping?"

he laughs and takes the blunt from my fingers and put his arm around my shoulder and i feel him kiss my head.

"val," he says and i look at him. "you're gonna be alright, love."

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