8. somebody else

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matty offered to take me to a restaurant in an attempt to make me feel better and although i wasn't in the mood to do anything, i didn't want to say no.

we are sitting in quite a fancy restaurant and we have just finished ordering our food.

"i'll be back, i'm going to use the restroom." he says and i reply with "okay."

as soon as he leaves, someone comes and sits in mattys seat and i widen my eyes at the sight of him.

"so, i heard you found someone to take my place." christopher says. "it's been less than a week, val. i'm disappointed."

"what are you talking about?" i roll my eyes.

"that matty guy? you guys seem pretty close." he says. "cmon, baby, don't turn into a whore now."

"i'm not a whore. he's my best friend. since when does having a friend of the opposite gender make me a whore?" i say, annoyed because that's what he thinks of me.

"i'm not surprised he is the first person you went to after me. you guys look cute together." he says and i roll my eyes.

"how about you stop assuming shit about me and leave me alone?" i raise my voice.

i see matty return from the corner of my eye and we both turn to him. "is there a problem here?"

"no, i was just leaving." christopher gets up and gives him a fake smile. "enjoy my leftovers."

my eyes widen and i gasp at the words he just said. before we know it, matty punches him in the face and i get up from my seat. "matty, stop!"

"fucking asshole." matty mutters to himself.

before christopher can do anything, i step in front of matty. "i think it's best you leave me alone."

he walks away with his hand on his cheek and i look around to see most people staring at us.

"we should leave." i whisper to him and grab his arm to take him outside. "why would you do that?"

"didn't you fucking hear him?" he yelled.

"yes but matty, i'm capable of defending myself. you didn't have to do that."

we sit in his car and he doesn't start it until minutes later.

"do you want me to take you home or you want to come with me to georges?" he asks after an awkward silence.

"i'll go with you." i say quietly, looking out the window.

i feel him put his hand on my thigh and at first i think it's him trying to be sexual, but i look up at him and he gives me a small smile and i know it's an act of comfort.

"i'm sorry." he says as he looks back at the road. "i just got mad at the shit he said. he didn't deserve you."

"it's fine, matty." i assure him. "just don't do anything like that again."

he laughs quietly and nods his head.

the rest of the car ride is silent but this time it is more of a comfortable silence. once we arrive at georges flat, we stay in his car for a couple minutes. he is messaging someone and i look at him and i start taking in everything. how soft his lips not only look but feel. how curly his hair is and how it falls a little over his eyes.

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