11. don't worry

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unprotected sex was definitely something new to me. the feeling of fucking somebody raw, without the feeling of knowing you're protected by something that could be a good or bad thing to your life, is kind of scary.

the first time we fucked without a condom was a drunken mistake. we weren't thinking because we were so in the moment. thankfully matty wasn't stupid enough to know that i didn't want a child and he probably didn't want one either. it felt good in a risky, scary type of way.

it had only happened a few times but the thought of possibly being pregnant still scared me.

now i'm panicking because i haven't got my period in a while, more than two weeks to be specific, and telling matty, the boy i am not dating and have mixed feelings towards, that i might be pregnant with his child is not something i'd be looking forward to.

most of the signs were there, key word most. i could have been overreacting because my period cycle was irregular but i knew two weeks was not normal.

i call rina to ask her what i should do. usually i would ask kat but i had a feeling she would tell george and the news would get to matty, which was something i did not want to deal with, as of right now at least.

i'm about to give up when she picks up on the last ring. "i'm in the middle of fucking some guy, can you make it quick, val?"

i would be laughing right now if it weren't for the thought of being pregnant on my mind, so i just say it without thinking.

"i think i might be pregnant." i mumble.

the line is silent and i know what she is thinking. there is no way this girl was stupid enough to let a guy fuck her without protection.

"are you serious?" she finally asks.

"mhm. but i haven't took a test it's just, there's signs that make it seem like i am and i can't tell matty because i just know he doesn't want kids. fucking hell, we're not even together!" i say and i think she can hear that i'm about to cry.

"well, do you want to be with him?" she asks and i roll my eyes.

"is that really what you're thinking of right now when i just told you i might be pregnant?" i raise my voice.

"you're right, i'm sorry." she sighs. "i'm coming and i'm bringing tests."

"aren't you with a guy?" i ask as i just remembered and now i feel like shit for interrupting her.

"val, it's fine. i want to know if i'm gonna be an aunt or not!" she chuckles and i laugh.

"come quick." i say before we say goodbye and she hangs up.

i'm still thinking about how i'm going to tell matty if i am pregnant. or if i'm not, am i still going to tell him there was a chance i could have been? i don't feel like stressing him with this news as i am already stressing about it and i know he wouldn't take the news well.

10 minutes later, rina comes and she is holding 3 boxes of pregnancy tests. she drags me to my washroom and closes the door.

"did you guys fuck without a condom? or did it break? tell me everything." she says, sitting on the sink.

i sit on the toilet and explain to her how we did it without a condom a couple times and they were all drunk mistakes. i tell her how he doesn't know yet and she is the first and only person to know about it.

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