5. heart out

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getting a call from matty wasn't a surprise to me. it had been a week since we were together, which was also when he kissed me, so i was expecting him to call me eventually. but answering the call and hearing gabbys voice was definitely a surprise to me.

"val?" she asks and she sounds worried.

"yeah. is this gabby?" i ask, just to make sure.

"yes. i just came to mattys house. he's so fucking," she was stuttering and i could tell she was crying which got me more worried.

"gabby," i say trying my best to sound calm. "what happened?"

"i called the boys and they're on their way and i don't know why i called you." she says. "i- i guess i think he needs the support."

at this point, i'm walking outside and getting inside my car, making my way to mattys flat. my heart was beating fast and i was starting to feel anxious because gabby wasn't telling me anything and i could tell something bad had happened.

"can you please tell me what happened?" i beg.

"please, just get here as fast as you can, please." she says and hangs up.

"fuck!" i yell out. i drive the fastest i can and finally arrive to his flat.

when i open the door, i can hear gabby crying and the boys arguing. i run to where i hear the voices coming from and they turn around to face me once they hear me walk in.

"what's going on?" i ask quietly.

"fuck, why is she here?" matty says quietly while turning his head to face away from me.

"our little friend here has been keeping secrets from us." george says and i look at gabby, who is sitting on the bed with her hands covering her face.

"what?" i ask.

george grabs my arm and leads me to the washroom where i see a credit card and 1 line of white powder. i instantly knew what it was and i turned to look at matty.

"cocaine?" i say to clarify that the white powder was indeed what i thought it was.

"mhm." george says with his arms crossed. i can tell he's really mad.

"i wasn't aware you were into this type of stuff." i say to matty.

"oh, he didn't tell you?" he looks to me, surprised. "well i'd love to be the one who tells you about his fucking problem."

"mate, you don't have to." matty says quietly.

"no, i'd love to actually." he says, facing me again. "he was clean for a long time. many years."

"george, mate, you need to fucking stop right now." matty says and now he sounds angry.

"he used to he a drug addict." he continues. "we helped him as much as we could. now i don't know what the fucking reason was that he did it again, but mate, if it gets serious again, i can't fucking help you."

"i said shut the fuck up!" he said, punching the wall.

i jump in surprise and feel georges hands on my shoulders.

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