2. frail state of mind

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i wake up alone in a bed that i'm not familiar with.

there is no one in bed with me but judging by the dent on the bed and my naked body, i was not alone.

i don't see anyone so i quickly grab my matching black lace bra and underwear from the ground and wear it. i can't find my dress so i get up to look for it.

the door opens and i jump and try to cover my body. "occupied!" i quickly yell before i see the same young man from last night holding a cigarette between his fingers. i believe his name was matty.

"well fuck me." he mumbles to himself while staring at my half naked body. he grabs my dress off the floor and hands it to me. "i believe this belongs to you."

i grab the dress and mumble a thanks to him. i open the door to the washroom to change into the dress without him looking when i hear his voice again.

"why do you need to go in there to change?" he asks. "we already fucked and you're practically naked right now."

i roll my eyes and although what he says is true, i close the door behind me and change into the dress.

i open the door and see matty smoking on the balcony. i join him and stand beside him, grabbing the cigarette from his hand and taking a drag, although i prefer weed.

"about last night," he begins. "it's not that i regret it, i really don't, you were a great fuck. but i have a girlfriend."

i raise my eyebrows. "well fuck, matty. i have a boyfriend."

"damn," he laughs, taking the cigarette from me. "i had an argument with gabby and things escalated and she started throwing shit at me. she's fucking crazy."

i laughed at the last part. i assumed gabby was his girlfriend.

"same here actually. i had an argument with christopher on the phone and i got pretty fucking mad. i didn't plan on coming to the bar last night. kat and rina, who i believe you met last night, forced me to come." i explain.

"do you regret it?" he asks and i assume he's talking about the sex.

"no. but i don't believe in one night stands so that means until we're both single, you're going to be my best friend."

"what are you trying to tell me?" he smirks.

"nothing." i wink at him and go back in the room. he follows me and puts his arm around my shoulder and we go downstairs. i see my phone on the couch so i grab it and see many missed calls and messages from kat and rina. i scroll past the messages and call kat.

"val, you will not believe where i am right now." she says as soon as she picks up.

"well hello to you too." i chuckle. "where are you?"

"i fucking hooked up with george and i'm here with him, adam and ross." she says. "i'm not sure where the other one is, matthew is it?"

"i'll explain that to you later." i laugh. "i'm about to leave and come."

"good, i want you to properly meet them." she says. "but how the hell are you gonna get here? where even are you?"

"don't worry about that, i'll be there soon." i say before hanging up.

"are you leaving me?" matty pouts and i roll my eyes but with a smile.

"kat and your friend, george, hooked up and she's at his house." i explain. "she wants me to meet the other boys too."

"let's go." he says kissing the top of my head and we walk outside towards his car. he drives for 10 minutes and we arrive at georges flat.

he grabs keys out of his pocket and opens the door, his arm around my shoulder again and another cigarette in between his lips. we walk in the living room and the first thing i see is kat and george cuddled on the couch watching something on the television, a boy passed out on the floor and another on the other side of the couch.

they all look up when they hear us and kat squeals and gets up to hug me. matty introduces me to the boys and i wave at them until kat grabs my arm and takes me to the kitchen.

"you fucked matty!" she whisper shouts. "i fucking knew it."

"relax, its not a big deal." i say while gently touching the love marks on her neck. "i take it you had a fun time last night?"

kat nods and giggles like a child. "i can say the same for you and him. look at his fucking neck."

we both turn to look at matty, who is now sitting next to george talking about something. he notices we're staring so he winks causing me to bite my lip and turn around.

"i swear, val, if i hadn't met george, i probably would've fucked matty." she says and i laugh.

"well, you can. i think you've forgotten about christopher?"

she rolls her eyes. "fuck him. he's fucking boring and clearly isn't good for you. these boys are so much better."

i feel my phone vibrate in my hand and see christopher's name on the screen. i roll my eyes and sigh. "speaking of the devil." i say and walk towards the window in the kitchen and hit answer.

"hi chris." i speak into the mic and see matty look up from the corner of my eye.

"hey baby. where have you been? you didn't answer my calls last night." he says.

"my phone died." i lie and i hear matty chuckle. "i was with kat."

"baby, please let me come over and we can fix this. i'm sorry about everything, i promise i'll make it up to you." he says and i roll my eyes.

"okay, fine. just come by later, i'm not home." i sigh.

"thank you baby. you're the best. i love you." he says and i respond with a "love you" and try my best to change the bored tone in my voice. i hang up and look at kat.

"can you drive me home? christopher is coming over soon." i explain.

"are you sure you don't want anything to eat? stay at mine, you might just like it. i can attempt to make food for you." matty says and the other boy sitting on the couch, who i believe is adam, laughs.

"don't trust him to make food for you. he always almost burns down the kitchen and it always tastes like shit." he says making me laugh.

"that's nice to know." i chuckle. "but thank you. i should be going home, though."

matty and george stand up and walk us towards the door. kat and george have already started making out causing matty and i to laugh to ourselves.

"i'll see you later." i say, putting my arms around his waist to hug him.

"i should give you my number. you know, in case you and that chrisopher guy get into another fight and you need to fuck someone." he says making me laugh.

we exchange numbers and i kiss his cheek before we leave and kat drives me home.

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