19. matty

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i suppose val will be the one to find this so i'll write for her. i love you. i may not have expressed it enough for you to know it but i do. none of this was supposed to happen, losing our baby, you and i becoming strangers. if i leave, i want you to know, though you may not know in what form, i will make an appearance again. when the time is right, we'll find each other again.
i will always remember the day we first met, the way you looked at me as if i were reading a poem to you while i was speaking about anything i thought may interest you. i remember thinking no matter what would happen that night, i'd keep you in my life forever. we slowly developed a love and as much as we were pushing it away, we both knew it was so beautiful a feeling. you're still in my heart no matter what, i hope you feel the same.
i know how hard it may have been to help me through my issues but i thank you for that. you showed me the meaning of love not with your words, but with your care. you showed me what real love is, whether it be a friendship or romantic relationship, and i am so thankful.

our love was unique and djfferent than anything i've ever had. i will forever cherish you in my heart. if i leave this earth, i leave it with my lovers name tattooed on my heart. i love you, valentina.

- matty

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