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"He's an omega, master. Found him sobbing and talking to 'em plants in your backyard. Strange kid, he is." murmured Denil. For a beta, he sure was tall. The man standing in front of the pair motioned for the beta to come closer. When he got a good look at the toddler who was held in a stranger's arms but for some unknown reason remained calm. If it was any other omega child in his place, they would be screaming and crying by now. But not this one. No, he was silent. Extremely inactive.

"Is he dead?" a shocked whisper was all he could muster. He knew he was a bad person, from all the killings he had to do, but he couldn't even think about her dying without feeling the need to vomit. 'He is an omega. Looks just like my son.'

"No master! I wouldn't kill an innocent sir. He's asleep!" Denil replied. His reply somehow soothed a pulsing vein in Polur's head. "Semir." Polur murmured. The whispered word when reached Denil's ears, he lost the strength in his limbs and dropped the sleeping angel. But a stronger pair of arms caught him before his body could touch the ground. A deep rumble rang through the house. He was about to lose his child. His child was about to fall and get hurt. How could this beta be so irresponsible with his angel. After seeing the fury in the Alpha's eyes, Denil got down on his knees and prayed for mercy. But Polur couldn't be merciful. When has he ever showed mercy?

"How dare you try to hurt my son?!" His growl shook the ground but it only managed to make the omega frown in her sleep. "Mercy! Master I beg of you. He isn't your son sir, Semir has passed away 2 years ago si-" A large hand covered the width of his throat, furious red eyes daring the beta to continue. A soft tired sigh was heard in the household. The angel in his arms was rubbing his tiny fists over his eyes. The dead father inside the alpha, which was slowly coming to life, cooed at that. My son. Yes, he is. He grew even more firm on his decision when he looked at the sapphire orbs, such innocence, totally devoid of any evil. How could the Gods bless him with such a pure angel? After his wife and his 7 year old son died during an invasion, he had questioned them, the Gods, and after getting no answers in return he had stopped. He had stopped questioning and he had stopped believing. But this blessing had him look up in the sky with tears brimming in his eyes and heart full of gratitude for such mercy. This angel was a mercy the Gods blessed him with. If it wasn't for the arrival of the bundle of innocence in his arms, he would've taken his own life.

A sob came from the omega's mouth. That sob alone made Polur want to go have the head of anyone who made his son cry. "What happened pup? Don't cry. Please don't" He cooed. "He die. No want him die. No want anyone die." What a melody. His voice was an absolute wonder. "But he almost dropped you ,little darling. You could've been hurt." Polur said. "Please, no. He very nice to me and even carried me when I hurt my knee." That little detail made him go into the overprotective father mode. He rushed towards the couch and laid him down in order to inspect the said injury. There was a small gash on his right knee with dried blood and mud all around it. The threat of an infection made the alpha worried, he roared for his beta to call the pack doctor. Denil, after murmuring repeatedly his gratitude for his master's mercy, quickly scurried to his feet and was out the door in a matter of seconds.

"No worry. No call doctor please." the 9 year old whispered. That request had no meaning to the Alpha, the doctor was going to come and do what he's supposed to do, what he's here to do. He was about to shake his head, when the angel shuffled to sit up and started looking for something in his yellow dress's pockets. 'Since when do dresses have pockets?' After searching for a bit more, he must've found whatever he was looking for as he had this 'aha' face. He extended his fist out of his little pocket and showed the contents resting on his palm to the alpha, Polur could see a bunch of green leaves. He watched carefully, squinting his sharp grey eyes, as the little pup murmured something to his again closed fist and blew on it.

He once again opened his fist and inside it were no more leaves, instead there was a dark green paste which boggled Polur's mind. The omega ,who's name was still unknown, then carefully applied the paste on his knee. The small but deep gash was cleaned of all the mud and dried blood. Porul knew that it would start healing also. A little bulb turned on in his head. 'No, this can't be. He can't be' 

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