Bucky and dean

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Dean are you sure your ok why I go shower

Bucky hey I'll be fine it was one mental breakdown

Sammy dean go shower I got her

Bucky I'm helpless with him around

Sammy really I didn't know

Bucky Sammy why are your eyes blue there useally green or yellow

Sammy sam just left so that could be it

Sam really I left

Sammy looks up and sam kisses her

Bucky who's falling and is it still nothing

Sammy smiles and looks away

Bucky that just says I'm in love with him

Sammy yeah yeah

Sammy goes in her room to cuddle with Sam

A couple minutes later

Dean hey pretty girl come here

Bucky I'm not use to this kind of love

Dean well get use to it

Dean picks up Bucky and they go to cuddle

With in two minutes Bucky is out cold MCR in the background

Dean there's my girl and snaps a picture and sends it to Sam

Sam sends a picture of Sammy alseep in his arms

Dean we did it

Sam we did something

Dean I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure she not supposed to sleep in glasses

Sam she's not and gets them off of her with her anti possession necklace

Dean also takes off Bucky anti possession necklace

Alright guys this book is for my friend winchesteratheart she is literally amazing and her birthday is in 19 days go show her some love and check out her.books she is a amazing writer and I don't know what I would do without her and seeing her fan girl over Dean Winchester makes me smile because she can't help it and I can't help it with Sam so this
Started as a imagine and she was to happy for it not to be a imagine so now it's a book

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