Theres a cop down

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Sammy wakes up around four to her phone ringing

Sammy answers it once she sees it's Alex Jody's alex

Sammy hey sweetheart whats up

Alex in tears mom never came home

Sammy wait jody hasn't came home at all

Alex no Claire came and told me mom never came home

Sammy why is Claire up

Alex she has her finals

Sammy hang on somebody's calling me

Alex ok

Sammy hello

Jody's partner. Hey is this Sammy

Sammy this is

Donna hey we have a cop down

Sammy ok

Sammy can I talk to Jody

Donna uh no she's helping that family just can you go to the house and get the kids

Sammy yeah on my way

She hangs up

Sam babe

Sammy yeah

Sam what's going on

Sammy I have to go get Alex and Claire

Sam why

Sammy Jody's not going home she's helping a family who just lost there husband who is a cop

Sammy so I'm gonna go over there and stay with them

Sam ok love you

Sammy love you too

She drives to Jody's

Claire answers the door

Claire mom oh hey Sammy

Sammy well I love you too

Sammy Alex come here

Sammy Claire stay

Alex what's going on why isn't mom home

Sammy she's helping a family who just lost there husband who is a cop

Sammy crashes for a couple more hours

Sammy wakes up to another phone call

Sammy hello

Donna uh come here I'll send you my location Oh and grab the boys you may need some comfort

Sammy ok I'm on my way

Sammy calls Sam

Sam hey

Sammy get Dean get Dean and Bucky here at Jody's me and you have a to go where ever Donna is

Sam ok

Sammy gets out of the car


Donna hey guys um Jody's been shot

Sammy no

Donna and is pretty much dead

Sam just leave just go

Sammy falls to the ground

Sam wrapping her up in his flannel

The other cop grab the the wayard girls

Dean grabs Alex and Claire

Even tho they call Ellen mom Jody was the mom to Sammy she was the first person to take her in

Sam shhh it's ok as he leans against baby

Donna yeah there in tears

Jody's dumbass I told you to tell them I'm alive just badly shot

Donna oh that's what I missed

Jody what did you tell them

Donna that you were shot and half dead

Jody's get me my girls. Now

Donna ok

Donna Sammy Claire and Alex come on come see Jody

Sammy gets up leaving the boys and Bucky

Bucky shit is this a bad idea

Sammy Jody

Jody I'm ok

Sammy they called me saying it was my officer down

Jody it's ok take the girls for a while please

Sammy yes ma'am

Sammy gets Claire and Alex settled at the bunker

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