Sam is a great husband

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Before they had fallen asleep they went on a hunt well Sammy got hurt in her gut area

3:00 am
Sammy wakes up with a lot of pain in her gut

Sammy gets up and goes to the bathroom

Her two hellhounds that they got follow her

Sammy brings shadow with her and karma her other one gaurds the door

Sammy your fine your fine don't wake up any one your fine it's a couple cuts it's fine .

She hears bucky and deans door open

Bucky hang on imma check on sammy

Dean why

Bucky because she literally got chuck across some hard ground

Sammy being her runs back to bed

Sammy shit Bucky

Bucky opens there door

Bucky Sammy

Sammy yeah

Bucky you doing ok

Sammy yeah Bucky

Bucky ok well me and dean are gonna go out

Sammy ok have fun

Bucky we will

Sammy and be safe

Bucky we will Sammy love you

Sammy love you too

She walks back to the bathroom

Sammy shit

Shadow whines

Sammy it's ok girl

She trys to stitch part of it up

Sammy fuckkkkkkk

She goes to the kitchen area

Her two hellhounds following her

Sammy why the fuck is the rubbing alcohol in here and not in the bathroom

Sammy pours some rubbing alcohol on her  cut

Sammy son of a bitch

She walks back to bed

Shadow and karma lay at her side of the bed

Sammy good girls

3:30 am

Sammy wakes up crying  from the pain she's in

She walks to Buckys and Deans rooms

Sammy fuckkkkkkkkk  there right they went out

Sammy walks to the kitchen

Sammy come on bucky

Bucky answers hey Sammy .

Sammy thank God you answer

Bucky what's going on .

Sammy listen  I need you and Dean to come home

Bucky why

Sammy because I'm in. So much pain and I can't get Sam up and I can't get quen to answer her phone and Steve isnt answering either

Bucky Sammy take a breath

Sammy ok

Bucky we are on our way home

Sammy ok

Bucky just try to get Sam up again and if he doesn't get a towel and apply pressure to your gut

Sammy ok

Sammy gets a towel

Sammy walks back in to her room

Sammy gets down over towards Sam's side of the bed

Sammy Sam Sam Sam babe babe

Sammy son of a bitch

She hears Bucky come in

She gets Dean in the room and locks the door so he is trap in there room

Bucky Damm bitch you lost a lot of blood

Sammy oh shit I did

Bucky come on let me fix you and then we can clean up

4:30 am

Sammy fuckkkkkkk

Bucky sorry I'm trying not to hurt. You

Sammy I know

Bucky fixes Sammy up

Sammy ok that's it I can't move

Bucky here

Sammy takes her phone and shadow jumps on the couch

5:00 am

Sam what happened it looks like a murder happen

Bucky well me and dean went out and your wife called me in tears saying she was in pain and no one was answering there phone so she knew I would so I came home Dean is past out and well she's on the couch with her hellhounds

Sam why didn't she wake me up

Sammy I tried dumbass I had karma jump on you and you still wouldn't get up

Sam that alcohol was stronger then I thought

Sammy turns over and in ten minutes is knock out cold

Bucky someone had a rough night

Shadow and karma not letting Bucky and Sam near her

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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