Babe your ok

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Bucky eyes flutter open and she at first dosent know where she is she sits up and looks for Dean

Dean. Babe your ok

Bucky looks at Dean

Dean graps her and puts her beside him and she cuddles up as far as she can get

Dean it was just a dream princess

Bucky laying there Dean

Dean kisses her cheek and she cuddles up and fall asleep

Dean slips out to get food

Comes back in the room

Dean babe ?

Dean babe

Dean where did she go

Dean did I just loose my girlfriend what the bloody mothefucking hell

Dean walks to her side of the bed to see her in the floor

Dean aww she fell

Dean picks her back up and puts her on top of him they both fall asleep

Sam comes in to see if they want food

Sam sees his brother have both his arms around Bucky like it's the life or death of there relationship

Sam somebody had a rough night

Sam Dean Dean Dean

Dean yeah

Sam you want food

Dean no I'm good

Sam ok .

Sammy they ok

Sam I think they had a rough night

Sammy I heard Dean walking around last night I bet they did

Finally Dean and Bucky got up

Bucky walks in the living room

Sammy good morning

Bucky shut it

Sammy smiles someone grumpy for sleeping almost 24 hours straight

Bucky whatever

They all go back to bed a few hours later

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