Buckys wedding

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Steve arrives

Steve this better be good

Bucky well I don't know is me getting married good

Steve hell yeah it is who are you getting merry too

Bucky Dean

Steve I saw it coming

A couple hours later Dean gets to see Bucky walk of course with panic in the background

Bobby alright say your  thing I don't know

Bucky Sammy give me my phone

Sammy am I forever gonna be a mom to you

Bucky yes .

Bucky Dean if you cry I cry so keep those tears inside

Dean well hot Damm

Bucky ever since you walk into my room and wrap me in your flannel I knew I loved you and you forever had my heart even when you stab sammy through the heart I never thought you could be the dumbass I fall for but here we are
The first time you kissed me it was like Damm I just got kissed by Dean fucking winchester
I couldn't help but laugh when you caught the fucking food on fire yes that actually happened
Even when the devil knock at our door you stood by me why Sammy gave you permission to marry her best friend is beyond me but I can't wait for this  adventure as long as you and Sammy stay with me depression is very far away

Dean well shit mine are not that good

Bucky laughs 
Bucky stop crying Sammy I'm gonna cry

Dean when I saw you run to your room I knew something was wrong I did what Sammy would've done and I walk in my love to you at the time was crazy you were this crackhead this child who never got to be a child you were a crazy girl that I love without you I would fade away even when you jump into hell with Sammy I knew I had to get  you back the smartest thing I ever did was say your mine  when I ask Sammy four months ago to marry her best friend I thought she was gonna kill me yes she was drunk but still she stilled look at me and look at you jamming to panic cooking dinner she knew we belong together  when she gave me permission I wanted to jump up and down but I had to keep my cool I couldn't wait to call you my wife the thought of it makes me cry I saw the fire get lit in a bright eye child at a my chemical romance concerts

Bobby you may kiss your bride

Skip to dinner

Bucky Sammy do your speech so I can stop crying

Sammy ok bitch

Sammy there are no words to describe these past 18 years with her she got me in a dress  for today how I don't know they amount of sleepless nights we had even 824 miles apart she stilled made my day when I saw Dean go in her room I didn't go in because I knew she was crushing hard core on him it took everything in me to back down when dean came around I knew they were right  because of the way Dean looks at her and the  face she makes when dean pops up  on her screen   I never knew the amount of love and support she would have she's the reason I'm alive I wouldn't ever change this for the world sure I have went to hell and back and yes she did get me high but I got her drunk so it's fine right when dean ask me for his permission I knew it was right I just had to ask myself am I ready to give away my best friend my concert best friend my Bucky my everything she is my rock and if she ever left I would be so Damm lost and broken

Dean shit Sammy stop making us cry

Sammy oh shut up bitch

Dean jerk

Sammy this is why I love my life now because I'm living with this asshole

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