Sammys wedding

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Bucky walks in when Sammy's getting her makeup done 

Bucky hi

Sammy hi

Bucky you ok

Sammy now that your here

Serenity well she's not the only one

Sammy hey girl

Bucky steps in front of Sammy

Sammy hey she's ok

Bucky I'm watching you

Serenity well damm who is she

Sammy it's Bucky

Serenity oh shit. I didn't mean to over step here

Sammy for 18 years it's been me and her  and the boys so when a another girl comes around she's gets a little more overprotective

Bucky like you don't love it

Sammy yeah I do

Serenity anyways who's the lucky guy

Steve hey guys

Sammy hold that thought hey steveie

Sammy  it's Sam winchester the brother of Bucky's husband

Bucky that sounds werid

Sammy turns around what

Bucky Dean being my husband

Sammy yeah it dose

Serenity well you know who else is coming

Sammy eyes light up Aubrey

Serenity yes

Sammy where

Serenity she's coming a little later but the why don't we boys are downstairs


Bucky yes ma'am
Steveie what do you need

Sammy go downstairs get  both of the boys aren't down Stairs

Bucky on it

Steve yes ma'am

Bucky come on

Serenity I don't think Bucky likes me

Sammy Bucky it takes a minute for to warm up

Bucky your clear Sammy

Sammy boys

Jack from why don't we  Mama's

Sammy hey Jack

Zach comes up behind her and picks her up

Zach hey mama

Sammy hey guys

Sammy ok put me down  so I can go get married

Zach ok drops her

Jack rach that's no way to treat our Mama's

Sammy what ever hey y'all no what songs

Jack yeah we're about to start music

Sammy ok

Sammy gets back upstairs

Serenity she's back

Aubrey cat

Sammy Aubrey

Serenity hate to brake up the Moment but we have to get ready you have to walk  down in 20 minutes

Sammy shit Bucky where's my dress

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