As she winessed her unimaginable

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Sammy woke up to Dean screaming Bucky in her room and Sam with a gun sitting in front of there door

Bucky got up ran it was the only thing she knew what to do

Sammy looks at Sam

Sam your abuse ex found the house there looking for something

Sammy wraps her arms doing her best to do her job and protect bucky

They hear gun shots and fear the worst.

Sam I swear if that is my brother screaming in pain

Sammy gets up leaving Bucky on the bed

Sammy looks out there window she often sat ate and ate with Sam

Sammy looks at Sam

Sammy this son of a bitch

A couple hours later they come in and throw Dean in the room with them

They grab Sammy as Sammy fights them she can't stand to see the tears running down Bucky's face they handcuff her and throw her back on the bed Sam grabs her

Dean takes a Bobby pin and undose the hand cuffs

Sammy son of a bitches

She looks at her photo wall

She gets up

Sam babe come back over here

Sammy hang on she graps some pictures and some other things

She sits on the bed Bucky by her side the boys behind them

As Sammy hears them tare threw the house

Sammy laying in Sam's lap her legs over Dean and her arms around Bucky

Sammy thoughts
Sammy protect them
Sammy protect them
Don't cry protect
As she sits there tears running
She sees the butterfly that Bucky got her on. Her road trip start to fall off the hook

Sammy sits up

Sammy uses her demon angel thing special thing I don't know to hold it In air and bring it tores them

They hear the noise and voices go outside and go Into there cars

Sammy takes a breath and gets up

She walks through the house the house a mess glass everywhere her first dog leash on the ground

The picture of her and Bucky and Steve and quen on the ground

She looks at the boys telling them to come on

Bucky on Dean's back

Sammy dose what she dose best and clean

She spends the night and part of tommorow cleaning up the house

Bucky hides in her MCR hoodie

Sammy and Bucky barely speak just them and there thoughts

The boys spend the days on days fixing baby up where she got attack

Sammy turning on MCR and hearing her and Bucky Mumble the words to the light behind your eyes

She goes into the room fixing her chalkboard

Bucky goes into her room her posters on the floor her things on the ceiling hanging off

Bucky hey Sammy

Sammy yeah

Bucky can you help me with my room

Sammy of course them hanging up stuff jamming to mcr and panic for the first time since the attack

Sammy on gaurd more then usual she hears someone at the door turns on alarm with her gun pointed at the door

Dean hey hey calm down just me and Sam

Sammy finally getting the last poster up

Sam coming in looks good

Sammy yeah hey could you get Dean to help us fix this chair

Sam yeah

As the days go on they get settled in again Sammy going to her heaven to get away from this Fuck up cruel world

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