Hey baby

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They all get back from a bad hunt

Dean hey at least none of this are dead

Sammy sure as she coughs blood

Sammy walks back in to her and Sams room

Sammy falls to the ground

Sam babe BABY

Sam rushes over to her

Sammy runs to the bathroom

Bucky comes in what the. Motherfucking hell

Sam babe babe are you ok

Sam babe open the door

Sammy opens the door

Sam shit you ok

Sammy yeah you know besides coughing up a peace of metal I'm great

Dean who wants to go to the Roadhouse

Bucky you know what I think we could all use a round or two

Dean that's the girl I know

They all go to the Roadhouse

Dean we might need to separate them and points to Sammy and Sam

Bucky we need to go home

Dean yeah probably better

They all go home

Sam and Sammy go to bed

Dean I really think there. Not gonna go to bed and there probably gonna make out

Bucky probably not knowing Sammy but hey who knows

Sam rolls over

Sam babe babe babyyyyyyyyy

Sammy rolls over

Sammy what

Sam I love you

Sammy I love you too

Sam hovers over her

Sam leans in for a kiss

Sammy what are you doing

Sam doing what we always do when one of us are drunk

Sammy ok and kisses back

Dean definitely should've Separated those two

Bucky who gives a fuck come here and cuddle I'm cold

Sammy kisses Sam's neck

They finish that and fall back asleep

Dean I swear Sammy you better have use protection 

Bucky let me guess you don't want any half angel baby's running around

Dean you know me so well

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