Back in time

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Back story on this chapter as well so this is before Sam and Dean got together with Sammy and Bucky it was just sammy and Bucky In the house there in now with the boys but there will be no Sam and Dean it's just a Bucky and Sammy chapter might mention them but that's it

Mention of cutting

Bucky here's light crying from Sammy's room it's three am by the way

Bucky thoughts
Do I open it
Is that her or just the TV
Sammy that you

Bucky slowly opens the door

Sammy sitting at her window crying

Bucky slowly walking in

Sammy sitting there not noticing

Sammy jumps Bucky (quickly wiping away tears )

Sammy Bucky you should be in bed I put you to bed like a hour ago

Bucky hey hey shhh Sammy are you ok

Sammy yeah I'm fine trying to hide scars and the knife

Bucky Sammy your eyes you know they give away your emotions

Sammy still crying I know

Bucky come here tell me what's wrong

Sammy getting up burying her hand and her cut in her hoodie

Bucky sis tell me what's wrong

Sammy still crying

Bucky hey hey as she turns on MCR and panic

As she sits back down she sees Sammy hide in her hoodie

Bucky has now gone into mom mode usally it's Sammy but Tonight it's Bucky

She looks around to see her spn blanket at her window

She gets up and grabs it

Sammy still crying she wraps it around her

Bucky now tell me what's wrong

Sammy I don't know

Bucky you know a lot of things have happened this week Steve left quen left for school so hell I don't blame you for crying but this hun (grabs Sammy hand from her hoodie ) we talk about this cutting is not the answer

Bucky grabs Sammy hand

Bucky hey hey I know it hurts ok but it's ok

Bucky fixes up Sammy hand

Bucky shhh it's ok

Sammy Bucky you have school in half a hour it's 5:30 am

Bucky I know I can manage

Bucky then slips a hair tie over Sammy's wrist

Bucky I've been doing this for years when you want to cut pull the hair tie

Sammy ok

Bucky goodnight

Sammy goodnight

Bucky shuts the door and goes to bed

Short chapter I know um it's probably because it's 5:41 am I haven't slept can't sleep and no it's not because I have ADHD it's because things like depression and anxiety excits good night my angels

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