Mad at you

5 0 0

Sammy and Sam wake up to Dean and Bucky argueing

Sam what they fighting about this time

Sammy listen for a minute the hunt yesterday

Sam how are you feeling

Sammy I'm fine

Sammy gets up walks in to Dean and Bucky room

Dean and Bucky what you want
Dean and Bucky shut up she's mine
Dean and Bucky You shut up
Dean and Bucky Fuck
Dean and Bucky Bitch
Dean and Bucky jerk

Sammy I can read your mind points at Bucky
Sammy I know what your thinking pointing at Dean
Sammy and I can spend all my time with you and points at Sam

Sammy so listen I'm not dead I'm hurt ok it's fine if I was dead then you have a whole different fight so shut up because in three two one your cuddling

Sammy see and shuts the door
They cuddle and fall back asleep
Sammy comes back in and falls back on the bed
Sam picks her up and cuddles her

A couple hours later
Cas knocks at the door
Sammy gets up
Cas hey wheres Sam and Dean
Sammy asleep what's going on
Cas uh don't get angry mama on me but I can't find Jack

Dean you lost the devil's son

Sam  dammit cas

Sammy walks away

Cas I'm sorry

Sammy one how do you loose the devil's fucking son two how do you loose my son

Cas well I uh left him and I didn't know the door was unlocked and you know he gets curious he saw a bird and Chase it and I can't find him

Sam three two one 


Dean angry mama

Sammy leaves

Sam where you going

Sammy to fine my son

Sam wait

Sammy no dumbass you get left here

Sammy grabs her keys for her truck and leaves

Dean now why on Earth would you tell her

Cas I don't know I feel bad

Sam he's just 14 cas he doesn't know how life work monsters want him like crazy. His dad is literally the devil  if he's hurt or dead you won't hear the end of it

Sam goes in the room

Cas Dean

Dean yeah

Cas do you think Sammy will forgive me for loosening Jack

Dean well cas it's hard to tell

Cas why

Dean because her and Bucky it's there time of the month

Cas they can both be on it the same month

Dean yes cas

Sammy stops at some woods

Sammy jack

Jack mom ?

Sammy jack

Jack mom

Sammy sees jack

Jack runs and jumps in her arms

Sammy are you ok

Jack well a tree cut me

Sammy come on I'll fix you in the truck

Sammy plays jack favorite  song

Jack I  bet cas is upset

Sammy looks up cas wasn't the one upset I was that's why none of them came

Sammy come on get in let's go home

They pull in

Sam oh god here we go again

Bucky angry mama

Sam wait sad mama

They both walk in .

Cas  jack

Jack dads

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