Dean ok im calling it your pregnant part two out of three

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Sitting on the living room after three weeks of Sammy getting sick in the mornings only
Sammy comes out of the bathroom

Sam what's wrong

Sammy this is probably tmi for dean and Bucky

but my period is late

Bucky that's off

Sam that's weird

Dean I'm calling it

Sam what you calling

Dean think about it Sam

Morning sickness
Period is late
Craving like crazy

Bucky what you trying to get to boy

Dean call me crazy but I think she's pregnant

Sammy your insane boy for two reasons
One I hate children well thinking a child is mine and two we haven't been trying

Sam what she said

Dean doesn't mean your not

Sammy what you Tryna say I'm cheating on your brother

Sam gets up and leaves

Sammy what the hell babe

Sammy runs after him

Sammy babe where are you going

Sam to get a pregnancy test

Sam why

Sam you know why

Sammy babe we're not but ok

Sammy walks in

Dean where's he going

Sammy you I guess gave him enough reasons to go get me a pregnancy test

Bucky I don't want half angel babies running around

Sammy as she walks away demon angel

Sam comes back and hands Sammy the test

Sammy I hate you

Dean mood swings

Bucky I still don't know why you think she's pregnant

Dean ok here's a list
Mood swings
Morning sickness
And she dosent want to hunt like she used too

Sammy yells for Sam from the bathroom with tears in her eyes

Sam oh shit what have I done

dean calling it

Bucky shut up babe

Sam walks in and shuts the door

Sam babe why are you crying

Sammy lift the towel

Sam lifts the towel there's no fucking way

Sammy exactly why the hell do you think I'm crying

Sam hugs his girlfriend
Sam what are we gonna do we're not even merry

Sammy I don't know while crying

Sam this isn't real this is fake

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