Spoiling the animals

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Sammy wakes up early with her puppy
Sammy making coffee and feeding the dog

Bucky walks in

Sammy you look like you need coffee or tea

Bucky the cat slept literally in the middle of me and Dean

Sammy so did mine .

Bucky can I let your dog outside

Sammy uh not get the fence people aren't  here here watch the  coffee

Sammy come on puppy  don't bite the leash stop it  stop it your being bad stop being like your mother

Bucky sitting there with her cat playing

Sammy now here's the option do we go shopping or do we wait for the boys to get up

Bucky leave them they can't wait on the fence people

Sammy goes to tell Sam where shes going

The  drive off

Bucky ok i know I'm not the only one who is too freaking curious about what happened with you and Dean as the walk in the door of the pet store

Sammy haha that's a another story for a another day

Bucky your telling me tomorrow

Sammy get your boy to tell you

Bucky very confused no your telling me

As they walk grabing what they need

Bucky Sammy help meeeeee

Sammy good lord what

Bucky I need help with this cat tree

Sammy Frank stay

As she hooks franks leash on the cart

They get it in the cart

Bucky thats gonna be fun getting in the truck

Sammy grabs Frank leash and walks away laughing

Sammy checks out and comes back to Bucky and her cat

Sammy what in the world why are you laying in the floor

Bucky I'm trying to think

Sammy in the floor

Bucky yeah

Sammy this is why we are friends

They go home and they set up everything

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