And we're back to step one

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Bucky comes in to Sammy's room

Bucky Sammy Sammy cat

Sammy wh-what Bucky

Bucky the boys there gone

Sammy WHAT

Sammy gets out of bed to see if she can see the Impala

Bucky my baby he's gone 🥺💔

Sammy notices the tears falling down Bucky's face

Sammy remembering how happy her and Dean was

Sammy trys to call Sam

Sammy went straight to voicemail

Buckys lays back in Sammy's bed

Bucky we pushed everyone away quen Steve everyone

Sammy I know

A couple hours later they fall back asleep

Sammy  wakes up to deans  ringtone for her phone

Sammy hello Dean

Dean hey Sammy um ...........

Sammy dean

Dean I'm here

Sam we fucked up big time

Sammy steps outside

Sammy well yeah Bucky been in your flannel all day

Sam not that yes I know we fucked up in that too but not what were talking about

Sammy what did you do

Dean we uh we pissed off Billy

Sammy you did what did you did what now

Dean we pissed off billy

Sammy I get that dumbass I ment how

Sam we didn't know the billy well uh had jack

Sammy wait your telling me you pissed off Billy and got our son kidnapped

Sam yeah

Dean anyways were coming home

Sammy about time

Dean hangs up

Dean being Bucky's soul mate can hear what she's listening too

Dean son of a bitch

Sam what

Dean  I  fucked up I hurt Bucky bad

Sam it's ok we'll see them in a minute

Dean we should've told them or left them a note

Sam I know but Bobby needed us

Dean lays on the window and falls asleep Sam continues to drive

Sam Dean come on we're here

Sammy Bucky wake up there home

Sam and Dean standing at the door

Sam we have to tell them

Dean it's gonna kill your girl tho she has fight blood and tears for him hell she went to hell for him

Sam I know

They both walk in

Sam girls were home

Bucky runs to Dean

Dean there's the pretty girl I know

Sam Sammy Bucky sit down

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