Sammys bad day part two

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Bucky continues to check on Sammy

Sammy finally wakes up

Bucky there's the girl I know

Sammy  puts her hair up and is getting ready

Bucky comes in hey you just want to hang out around the house

Sammy yeah. Why not actually

Bucky I could tell your still drain mentally

Sammy yeah headache I guess

Bucky it's gonna be ok Sammy  will get through this just know we will like we did with mine

Sammy takes her hair down .

Bucky walks out when you want food let me know

Sammy ok

Sammy spends the day in her room

Bucky comes in

Bucky good lord it's literally -70 degrees in here

Sammy ok no reason to be that  sassy

Bucky hang on

Sammy fixing her bed

Bucky told you getting on a  routine would help

Sammy I'm sorry but like your on one

Bucky hey right now it's keeping you alive

Sammy Bucky you know I have these mental health days where I break down at night and then fix it tomorrow and then it's a cycle

Bucky I know

Sammy untelling what I would have done if you didn't come in last night  looks out the window

Bucky yeah I often wonder that to my self

Sammy what would I do without you

Bucky you die

Sammy fair enough

Bucky comes in Sammy's room about three hours later

Bucky Sammy

Bucky oh she fell asleep I guess we can't all stay awake

Bucky throws a blanket over Sammy and turns on MCR and panic and walks out

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